


POWER RELATIONSHIPS.In general, the relationships between the myriad institutions involved in REDD+ processes are ill defined. There is a need to more explicitly define the specific accountability relationships among government institutions tasked with decision-making, implementation, consultation, monitoring, and grievance redress for REDD+ programs in order to promote clarity and ownership over different components of the REDD+ process and avoid institutional conflicts.


GRIEVANCE REDRESS.与REDD+程序的许多其他要素(例如监视或参与)相比,关于反馈和申诉机制(FGRM)的讨论欠发达。2013年对32个准备计划的审查发现,超过90%的REDD+国家认识到REDD+活动产生冲突的可能性,而63%的国家表示,解决冲突的重要性对于实现REDD+目标的重要性。但是,迄今为止,在实施功能FGRM方面取得了有限的进展。


International programs designed to compensate developing countries for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation or enhancing carbon stocks (referred to as REDD+) have catalyzed new interest and investment in forests in developing countries. REDD+ programs are regarded not only as an important tool for climate mitigation, but increasingly as a mechanism for improving governance of forests; promoting sustainable land-use planning; and enhancing biodiversity, environmental health, and rural livelihoods. In particular, donors, civil society, and REDD+ countries have all recognized the importance of ensuring that REDD+ programs address underlying governance challenges that contribute to deforestation and forest degradation.

目前,许多REDD+国家正在收到用于计划,能力建设和制定法律和机构框架以支持REDD+实施的融资。在本文中,我们强调了这些努力将问责制视为REDD+计划设计中的关键原则,尤其是为了确保开发新的机构,战略和流程,加强了机构之间的问责制以及与其他利益相关者之间的问责制REDD+计划和实施。为了推进有关构建负责任的国家REDD+计划的讨论,我们提出了一个框架和一组标准,概述了在这些过程中为责任制的关键支持问题。In this paper, we draw from a review of 20 Emissions Reduction Program Idea Notes (ER-PINs) submitted to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility’s (FCPF’s) Carbon Fund, and evaluate current trends in how these programs are being designed in order to identify promising approaches and highlight critical gaps.
