
增加全球对自然资源的需求is intensifying competition for land across the developing world, pushing companies onto territories that many Indigenous Peoples and rural communities have可持续管理几代人。这些社区,至少共同拥有世界一半的土地但是法律上只有10 percent of land globally,现在正在竞争保护其土地权利。

本报告对社区和公司如何正式化土地权利的全面审查,审查了获得正式土地权利所需的时间和成本差异,以及最终授予非洲,亚洲和拉丁美洲的15个国家 /地区的土地规模和权利。它发现了两组面临的障碍的显着差异 - 使公司明显优势的差异。社区牺牲了数年甚至数十年的艰巨政府程序,可能迫使他们放弃祖先的大量土地,而具有牢固政治联系的富裕公司迅速获得了对同一土地的权利。


Key Findings

  • Community land, crucial to rural livelihood around the world, is increasingly targeted by commercial interests. Its loss can lead to environmental degradation, increased rural poverty and land disputes that last for years. Without formal legal recognition of their land rights, communities struggle to protect their land from being allocated to outside investors.
  • 该报告揭示了15个国家的社区面临的地方性挑战。注册和记录其习惯土地权利的程序是复杂,困难和成本高昂的,要求社区牺牲时间,财务和习惯土地和资源。
  • 结果,社区正式化其土地权可能需要数十年的时间。在菲律宾,该过程需要56个合法规定的步骤;在印度尼西亚,涉及21个不同的政府实体。
  • 相比之下,公司相对迅速地获得正式土地权利。一些公司在获得最终批准之前采取快捷方式以获取土地或开始商业运营。很少有法律要求外国投资者参与有意义的社区咨询。这弊大于利的公司,并冒着流离失所社区的风险。
  • To level the playing field between communities and companies, this report calls on countries to establish accessible and transparent community procedures that recognize all customary land, mitigate associated land conflicts, coordinate implementation and budgetary support for community land formalization, and better monitor company compliance.

Executive Summary





了解改善社区土地形式程序的挑战和机会对于确保习惯土地和保护全球农村生计至关重要。为此,作者设计了研究,以更好地了解社区和公司的程序途径,并评估社区或公司流程是否受到政府的优势和青睐。该报告对33个社区和公司程序的法律和实践进行了系统的审查,以在15个国家 /地区获得正式土地权利(请参见下面的方法)。

This report also provides practical recommendations for improving and ensuring equity in community and company procedures. The recommendations target government agencies responsible for developing and implementing community and company procedures, as well as their development partners; domestic and international companies and their investors; and communities, local civil society organizations, and international nongovernmental organizations concerned with land rights, human rights, and poverty reduction.


More than 50 percent of the world’s land, across all continents except Antarctica, is community land. Globally, national laws recognize 10 percent of land as belonging to communities, and another 8 percent is designated by governments for community use. But not all community land that is legally recognized is registered and titled. In most countries, a significant amount of community land is not formalized. In Peru, for example, some 6,500 groups hold 36.3 million hectares of land that is registered and documented to them, but another 4,000 groups have pending claims to a further 34.9 million hectares.

Despite its importance to rural populations, community land formalization is rarely a government priority. In many countries, national laws do not recognize collectively held land or establish a formalization procedure. Elsewhere, the law permits formalization but limits the types of customary land and customary rights that can be formalized. Where formalization procedures are in place, the law is often poorly implemented, or implementation efforts have stalled. In Bolivia, for example, formalization efforts for land titles granted to Indigenous Peoples since 2005 have slowed in recent years with the government instead allocating customary land to investors to generate needed revenues for social programs.

While customary tenure systems historically provided communities with land security, the growing threats to exploit community land are leading to new insecurity. Communities around the world are therefore applying for formal land rights in order to integrate their customary rights into official legal systems and to protect their lands. Even in countries where formalization is not needed for legal recognition, communities are seeking to register their land to “double-lock” their rights. While registration and documentation of land is not a guarantee of tenure security (and can bring challenges such as property taxes, gender inequality, and exposure to unwanted investors), many communities consider the benefits to outweigh the costs.



为了进行这项研究,作者收集了有关15个国家 /地区的19个社区土地形式化程序的数据 - 非洲,亚洲和拉丁美洲。对所有19个社区程序进行了审查国家法律,并实施了7种土地权利程序。此外,在12个研究国家中检查了14个公司的土地征用程序。研究人员审查了所有14个公司程序的相关法律,并针对6个程序进行了调查的实践。

在整个15个国家 /地区,社区和公司程序之间的数据比较集中在八个关键问题上:前提条件和步骤,时间,货币成本,金钱,土地规模,权利持续时间,授予权利,权利维护和权利可竞态性。

To help ensure consistency in data collection across informants, procedures, and countries, the researchers developed common indicators for each of these issues and a corresponding methods guide.







3.平均而言,程序比投资者更具挑战性。Community procedures generally take years to decades, while land acquisition procedures for companies typically range from one month to five years. Many communities are unable to formalize their land, sometimes after decades of efforts. Different standards are imposed on communities and companies to screen for and resolve competing claims to the land. All community procedures require a screening for third-party rights, and such third-party claims in practice often prevent a community from successfully formalizing its land. By contrast, only 6 of the 14 corporate land acquisition procedures surveyed for this report require any form of community consultation, and only 3 of those contain provisions protecting communities’ rights to free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC). Instead, the law presumes that the government owns the land or has the right to give it away.

4.社区权利在实践中受到限制,但是投资者扩大了机会,尤其是如果他们没有强大的社会和环境承诺。Communities have narrow windows of opportunity for land formalization. Legal procedures are narrow and offer little flexibility; and in practice, a lack of resources and capacity means most communities have only one opportunity (if any) to formalize their land. Similarly, in exercising rights over natural resources, communities are seldom able to realize those rights to the full extent allowed by the law. In contrast, for companies, land acquisition is facilitated by a range of legal alternatives, as well as quasilegal, extralegal, and illegal measures. Company engagement with key steps in the process, like community consultations, varies widely. Across countries, some companies exploit natural resources to which they have not been granted rights, and revocations of land rights when companies fail to meet conditions or comply with the law are inconsistent. These companies therefore have a competitive advantage in obtaining formal land rights against both communities and those companies that comply with legal and social or environmental standards.

5.监管和政策框架对投资者而不是社区形式化程序。Communities receive inadequate and sporadic support, compared to dedicated and sustained support for investors. Companies often benefit from dedicated investment centers and government recruitment efforts, whereas community land formalization programs are under-resourced and implemented inconsistently. Some countries lack the requisite institutions to formalize customary land rights. In Uganda, entities responsible for approving key steps were never established, making implementation of the procedure impossible in some regions. Finally, in some countries political and economic elites have successfully undermined community land formalization efforts that threaten their interests.





3. Prevent the loss of customary land and provide more inclusive bundles of rights.Communities must not be forced to give up land or natural resources that they have customarily enjoyed. Governments should insure that certain classes of land, such as forests or unoccupied areas, are included in formalization and should grant communities full rights to the range of natural resources on their land. As a safety net, legal procedures should clearly allow communities to obtain additional land in the future. Implementing partners and civil society should ensure that communities are included in land surveying and mapping, and can sensitize government officials on the importance of seemingly vacant collective land to community well-being.

4. Ensure oversight, accountability, and transparency.Monitoring and oversight mechanisms should be simultaneously bottom-up (from communities) and top-down (from higher-level institutions). Governments should establish avenues for communities to make complaints or appeal decisions and to request information about the status of their applications. Country-level monitoring of community formalization efforts, in law and in practice, is also key to the effective implementation of formalization procedures.

5. Level the playing field between communities and companies.政府应加强对公司行为的监控和监督,要求公司进行全面的FPIC,并确保在社区土地申请或头衔的申请中未分配自然资源特许权。此外,所有参与者都必须重新注意习惯对土地的理解,以及将习惯土地陈旧系统整合到法定框架中的挑战。政府和民间社会应在土地形式化过程中和之后支持社区授权计划。公司应向社区寻求FPIC,即使不需要法律,并促进范围内的标准,即承认习惯土地权利以及社区赋予其自由,事先和知情同意的社区的重要性。