


自1960年代以来,超过一百万公斤的致命氰化钠被喷到珊瑚礁在菲律宾眩晕和捕获观赏鱼缸的鱼。最近越来越多的人对大礁食用鱼的需求大大增加了氰化物捕鱼的发生和传播。中国消费者在香港和亚洲其他主要城市极大值一定的珊瑚礁鱼时把生活从一辆坦克,煮熟,,几分钟后;消费者支付至多300美元每板对于某些物种。水族馆的总需求和生活食物鱼蔓延氰化物捕鱼在印度尼西亚和巴布亚新几内亚等周边国家,越南、马尔代夫和斐济。在过去的一年中,国家一样遥远的厄立特里亚和坦桑尼亚官员表示怀疑,他们快速增长的活鱼出口行业也可能使用氰化物。在1990年代初,菲律宾政府与国际合作Marinelife Alliance-Philippines (IMA)推出了氰化物捕鱼改革方案(碳纤维增强塑料)来对抗这种毁灭性的灾难。结合技术和科学方法和政策改革,加强执法,和以社区为基础的战略,碳纤维增强塑料是最发达的。虽然不完美——氰化物捕鱼仍然是一个大问题在菲律宾,碳纤维增强塑料给其他国家提供了重要的教训,氰化物捕鱼是扩大和许多政府,非政府组织(ngo),国际援助机构在全球范围内,最近成为关注的问题。碳纤维增强塑料的关键方法是承认氰铅锌,可持续的贸易政策的目标应该是活鱼,不是一个活鱼出口禁令(有些人主张)。 The live-fish trade, responsibly conducted, is a potnentially sustainable, high-value, low-volume fishery that can provide livelihoods for some of the region's poorest communities. Proper incentives for private sector producers, from the village to ultimate markets, are the key. The CRFP provides a mix of positive and negative incentives, ranging from testing of fish shipments for cyanide residues and harsh criminal penalties to training in cyanide-free capture and post-harvest techniques. Internationally, efforts such as the new U.S.-based Marine Aquarium Fish Council are striving to make the private sector importers of live reef fish active partners in promoting a cyanide-free fishing tradition and ensuring the sustainability of the trade. Needed now is a much more intensive regional approach that builds cyanide-fishing reform capacity in the many countries where cyanide-fishing is spreading, and a redoubled effort to bring the private sector brokers, importers, wholesalers and retailers in as full partners in dealing with this ominous -- but solvable -- threat to the rich biodiversity of Asia and the Pacific's Reefs.
