


对于政府,新的中国燃油经济性标准是政府雄心勃勃的努力,以规范中国个人车辆的石油消费,这是中国日益增长的外国石油依赖的重要贡献者。This dependency is expected to increase dramatically over the coming years, with the amount of crude oil imported rising from 31 percent in 2002 to over 50 percent in 2007. Over the next ten to fifteen years, China’s oil consumption is expected to increase 4 percent per year, placing China as the world’s second largest oil consumer behind the United States. However by 2020 China is expected to become the world’s largest oil consumer, with total projected oil consumption of 27.6 million barrels a day compared to 26.4 million barrels a day consumed in the United States.