
As part of the Global Commission on Adaptation’s Year of Action, WRI and the Global Center on Adaptation partnered with CGIAR to conduct over 50 listening sessions to inform the Two Degree Initiative — a proposed flagship effort within the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) to transform the global food system for a climate-smart future. Its goal is to help 200 million small-scale agricultural producers across the globe adapt to climate change.

这些会议论文记录了那些聆听会议的主要发现,旨在帮助更好地了解农民,牧民和渔民,非政府组织和CSOS,政府和私营部门的观点,需求和优先事项。Over 1,000 stakeholders in more than 60 countries participated, including representatives from national research agencies, government, communities, and the private sector, as well as members of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as farmers,’ women’s, youth, and environmental organizations, staff of donor and UN agencies, and researchers. The sessions were held between March and October 2020.

Key Findings

These conference proceedings summarize the following emerging findings from over 50 listening sessions, meant to inform CGIAR's Two Degree Initiative, a flagship effort to transform the global food system for a climate-smart future:

  • Reform research-development-deployment pathways toward climate resilience and strengthen co-creation so that a broader range of stakeholders receives solutions that are beneficial. This will require new ways of working, including more co-production of knowledge, as well as faster, more inclusive, and more climate-informed and risk-tolerant innovation systems.
  • Employ an interdisciplinary, intersectional food, land, and water systems approach to building climate resilience by working across silos and together with under-engaged groups, from the regional to the national to the local level. This will require addressing in a coordinated manner climate-related vulnerabilities and opportunities that may occur across value chains, policy and institutional innovations, and ecosystem-based approaches to address systemic bottlenecks that reinforce vulnerabilities.
  • 改善与政策制定者,公民社会和倡导团体的工具和沟通,以便他们拥有所需的气候相关数据,并受到激励,激励和负责制定变革。必威官网是真的吗这需要与当地至国家一级的决策者合作,以了解和解决其信息需求和激励措施。
  • 加强合作和创新的合作伙伴关系,目的是释放私人和公共财政,以使可持续投资能够增强弹性和适应能力。这种合作伙伴关系是通过加速创新,更快,更公平地部署解决方案,改善金融和信息交付以提高规模的气候弹性,同时为更高的投资回报提供案例,从而改善金融和信息交付,从而提高创新,并改善金融和信息交付,从而提高创新,并改善金融和信息交付,这是增加影响的关键。必威官网是真的吗
  • Engage with policymakers, regional bodies, and global processes in the design of new policies and frameworks to ensure that regionally led action is well aligned with global efforts and yet reflects local contexts and priorities.
  • Leverage the power and expansion of climate-informed digital technologies to provide real-time and context-specific advisories and critical market services to growing numbers of small-scale producers. These advisories and services should also contribute to livelihoods, job creation, conservation of agrobiodiversity, and food and nutrition security.
  • Prioritize transformative approaches (e.g., shifting value chains, transitioning livelihoods, gender and social inclusion) where the impacts of climate change are the most severe, especially for the most vulnerable. This requires understanding where and when potential transition opportunities are likely to arise and how these transitions can be made efficiently, effectively, and equitably. Additionally, this requires assessment and prioritization of actions that encourage producers, business owners, researchers, investors, and policymakers to innovate in ways that promote gender equality and opportunities for youth.

Executive Summary

Full executive summary available in the paper.