gold prices skyrocketinganddemand for other minerals on the rise,采矿对世界各地的社区和生态系统构成了日益严重的威胁。该报告首次估计,对亚马逊生物地理区域进行地理空间分析,这是对雨林中土著地区的法律,大规模采矿特许权和非法采矿业务的全部范围。它发现,现在,合法和非法开采共同覆盖了20%以上的土著土地,危害了450,000平方公里的数百个土著社区和关键的生态系统。

该研究还表明,采矿污染了至少30条亚马逊河流并侵蚀社区的河流经过验证的能力to prevent deforestation. From 2000 to 2015, Indigenous lands with mining activities had higher incidences of tree cover loss than those without mining. In Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, for example, forest loss was at least three times higher in Indigenous territories with mining operations – both legal and illegal – than those without; and one to two times higher in Colombia and Venezuela.


Yet national laws often favor companies over Indigenous communities, the study’s comprehensive legal assessment of six Amazonian countries, including Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana and Peru, reveals. Although these countries all grant important legal protections to communities, these land rights are insufficient and leave most Indigenous Peoples vulnerable to mining. Government oversight of mining activities across Indigenous lands, enforcement of existing legal protections and compliance with international environmental and social safeguards also remain weak in practice, creating tensions between Indigenous communities and miners that often escalate into violent conflict.



  • Industrial mining concessions cover approximately 1.28 million square kilometers (more than 18 percent) of the Amazon. Mining concessions and illegal mining overlap with 450,000 sq. km (more than 20 percent) of indigenous lands and affect 1,131 (31 percent) Indigenous lands.
  • 总体而言,进行采矿的土著土地显示出比没有采矿的土著土地更高的森林损失(从2000年到2015年)。在玻利维亚,厄瓜多尔和秘鲁,速率至少高三倍。在哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉,这是高度一到两倍。
  • 国家法律为土著人民提供了一些土地权利,但土地上矿物的权利很少。只有在圭亚那,土著人民才有有限的同意,只有在哥伦比亚,他们才有权首先拒绝土地上的商业采矿。
  • 实际上,法律不能由矿工执行或由政府执行。土著人民采用了各种策略,例如诉讼,以保护其土地免于采矿。
  • 有必要加强对土著土地的法律保护,建立强大的社会和环境保护措施,建立土著人民保护其土地的能力,确保所有采矿遇到既定的保障措施并提供有效的执法。


