Last year, we spent time in several countries—Colombia, the Philippines, Fiji, Namibia, Ghana, Zambia and Benin—trying to understand how they can better position themselves to access funding to mitigate and adapt to climate change (See Box 2). These countries have already made considerable progress in their plans, policies, and projects to respond to climate change. However, if they are to make fundamental shifts toward climate compatible development, they need access to funding on a much bigger scale. And in order to mobilize this funding, they need to have certain enabling conditions - often referred to as“readiness”-到位。

准备是新成立的热门话题Green Climate Fund(GCF),下周将前往其在印度尼西亚巴厘岛举行的第六次董事会会议(请参阅框2)。在会议上,董事会有望决定GCF的准备计划的外观。它的焦点可能很狭窄,这是根据其有限的资金和时间表有意义的。然而,随着GCF的前进,重要的是要记住各国的更广泛的准备就绪需求,并在短期内找到合适的机构来渠道渠道。

Common Readiness Challenges

像上面列出的七个的发展中国家面临许多similar challengesand readiness needs. For example:

  • Coordinatingthe many actors and agencies that work on climate change issues, and enhancing the quality and flow of information between them.
  • 发展policies that incentivize investment in climate-friendly sectors.
  • 训练政府,公民社会和私营部门的人了解和参与气候问题。必威官网是真的吗
  • Keeping trackof how and where climate funding is flowing.
  • Strengtheningthe financial management capacities of institutions to meet the accountability requirements of international funds.

克服这些挑战可能需要多年的持续努力,并且不应在全面项目和计划中进行投资。但是previous WRI workhas demonstrated, addressing barriers such as these can解锁气候投资必威官网是真的吗大规模。

Box 1: Readiness support is not new


  • 开发计划署,UNEP和WRI从事一项计划,由德国环境部,自然保护,建筑和核安全部资助,以支持国家获得和部署GCF资金。去年,我们在最初的范围范围内访问了哥伦比亚,斐济,加纳和贝宁。
  • WRI支持海外发展研究所(ODI),非洲气候金融中心和GIZ进行必威官网是真的吗readiness needs assessment in Namibialast year, with funding from the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • WRI is working with Oxfam and ODI on theAdaptation Finance Accountability Initiative,它与四个国家的民间社会合作伙伴合作,以加强追踪适应资金的能力。去年,我们参观了菲律宾和赞比亚进行最初的范围范围范围。


The GCF is expected to become a major vehicle for channeling funding to developing countries for climate change adaptation and mitigation. In adecision at its last meeting,它认识到支持国家实现“准备就绪”的重要性,并为此预留了最初的3000万美元。

In next week’s meeting, the GCF is expected to decide on a readiness program based fairly narrowly onfour sets of activitiesthat will help developing countries gain access to the Fund:

  • 准备一个框架以使GCF的支持与该国的战略重点保持一致(例如,借鉴了现有的适应和缓解计划);
  • 确定国家机构与GCF协调国家的参与,该机构将确保与所有利益相关者进行磋商;
  • Identifying and preparing institutions (such as ministries, NGOs, development banks, or others) to meet the GCF’s requirements on financial management and environmental and social safeguards, thereby allowing直接访问向基金;
  • Getting a head start on project or program proposals now, so that they can be submitted quickly to the GCF for funding once it is fully operational.

From our experience of engaging with a range of developing countries on the question of readiness, two main messages stand out that those at the GCF meeting should keep in mind.


WRI and the Asian Development Bank are co-organising two events with a focus on readiness in the lead up to the GCF meeting:

  • The Asia-Pacific Regional Dialogue on the GCF(2月14日至15日在新加坡举行)是一项年度活动,该活动将包括GCF董事会成员在内的该地区的不同利益相关者汇集在一起​​,讨论GCF的关键问题。今年,第一天将重点放在气候融资上。必威官网是真的吗

  • GCF准备和准备支持的讲习班, (February 17 in Bali, Indonesia) provides a platform for various stakeholders and GCF Board Members to discuss the GCF’s work program on readiness.

Don’t lose track of the broader goal

By keeping its readiness program narrowly focused on helping countries gain access to the Fund, the GCF can ensure that its limited readiness funding addresses the most immediate needs. However, the GCF should not lose track of developing countries’ broader readiness needs described above, such as training, tracking funding, andcreating incentives for climate-friendly investment.


Allow flexibility in the range of institutions that can provide readiness support

Once it is fully operational, the GCF will require countries to access its funds through institutions (which may be international or national) that have been through a rigorous process of accreditation. But as its readiness program will get under way before the accreditation process begins, the GCF will need to find another way of channeling funds in the interim. Our hope is that the GCF will allow flexibility in the kinds of institutions that could fill this role. In some cases, national institutions may have the expertise and ability to provide readiness support, even though they have not yet been accredited. In other cases, countries may be already receiving readiness support from other institutions (See Box 2). The GCF should coordinate its support with that of other national and international institutions and programs, so that it does not duplicate effort but rather addresses the key gaps and needs of the country.
