What will 2023 hold for the environment and development?

2022年底当然,我们进入了一个有趣的,令人担忧的地方。全球三岁的大流行证明了这还远远没有结束,令人作呕的数百万人和影响经济体。全球通货膨胀达到9%2022年,是自2008年以来的最高水平。俄罗斯对乌克兰的入侵流离失所人山人海并在整个过程中发送连锁反应食物和能源系统。气候变化的影响 - 从巴基斯坦的致命洪必威官网是真的吗水到印度的枯萎到非洲的干旱 - 成为威胁乘数。

The poor felt the effects most acutely. Up to95 million peoplewere pushed into poverty in 2022 alone.

这并不都是坏消息:可再生能源容量jumped 8%去年,所有国家signed onto一项具有里程碑意义的联合国生物多样性协议,旨在到2030年保护全球30%的土地和水。


WRI总裁兼首席执行官Ani Dasguptasought to answer this question and more at WRI’s 20Th每年观看活动的故事。达斯古普塔(Dasgupta)在2023年提出了四个问题,这些问题将传达有关世界未来轨迹的强大信号:

1) The Energy Crisis: How Will the Conflict in Europe Impact the Global Transition to Clean Energy?

俄罗斯因入侵乌克兰而武器化了能源,切断了负责的天然气管道欧盟的40%的天然气供应并触发增加41.5%in power prices in October 2022. Europeresponded通过确保更多液化的天然气(LNG)进口并扩大煤炭和核。


The question now is: Will increased investment in fossil fuels derail the world’s clean energy transition and lock in dangerously high levels of global temperature rise? Or will it spur a larger shift toward safer, cleaner, less volatile renewables?

Some experts think it could be the latter based on early signals. In 2022, the E.U. increased its renewable energy targets from 40% to 45% of total capacity by 2030 through theRepowereu计划。Leaders recently went further by increasing the bloc’s emissions-reduction target from 55% to到2030年57%。民意调查表明83%欧盟的人认为俄罗斯对乌克兰的入侵使投资可再生能源更为重要。



亚马逊雨林提供的不仅仅是树木。跨越九个国家,广阔的生态系统支持47 million people,房屋10%of the world’s biodiversity and storesup to 140 billion tonsof greenhouse gases.


Graphic showing deforestation in Brazil, 2003-2022.

亚马逊的命运在很大程度上取决于巴西发生的事情responsible for 40%of the world’s tropical primary forest loss in 2021. At the end of 2022, the Amazon found new hope with the re-election of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The question now is: Will his return to power put the Amazon’s fate on a more positive path, as well as trigger stronger forest protections internationally?

卢拉(Lula)已经通过任命亲环境部长的方式取得了长足进步,恢复了在总统雅尔·博尔森罗(Jair Bolsonaro)下废弃的反伪造措施,撤销了保护区的采矿许可,并重新开放了亚马逊基金会,该基金提供了融资,以换取森林保护。但是他的亲陆地议程面临政治反对派。

Graphic showing Tree cover loss in

值得关注的是:卢拉的保护议程是否会持有 - 特别是在98%的森林砍伐是非法的国家中执行现有法律?零供防人的激励措施是否会在全球范围内吸引,例如通过供应链法规,碳市场,森林保护资金,以及重要的是,在印度尼西亚和非洲的刚果刚果盆地的世界其他两个关键的热带森林生态系统中,森林砍伐减少了?

3) Financing the Low-carbon Transition: Will Reforms in 2023 Unlock Funding for Developing Nations?

一种对大自然和人民有益的低碳过渡will require$5.2 trillion of climate finance by 2030. In 2020, total climate finance totaled only $600 billion.

Graphic showing progress toward 2030 target for global climate finance.

所有国家都经历了这一投资差距,但是由于越来越多的公共资源和私营部门的风险,这在发展中国家中最为敏锐。尽管这不是一个新问题,但围绕新解决方案有动力:Bridgetown Initiative


Launched in 2022 and spearheaded by Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley, the comprehensive plan would completely overhaul the global financial system to direct low-carbon investments and finance where they’re needed most. The plan includes multilateral development bank (MDB) reforms, debt restructuring, funding for adaptation andloss & damage, 和更多。雄心勃勃的提议赢得了赞誉from such figures as French President Emmanuel Macron, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and more.



Last year was momentous for U.S. climate legislation, with the country enacting the筹码与科学法, 这两党基础设施​​法减少通货膨胀法。Together, these policies will provide $79 billion annually in low-carbon, climate-friendly investments, with a promise through the正义40倡议to direct at least 40% of climate investment benefits to historically underserved communities.

Graphic showing historical and projected U.S. emissions.

Importantly, these laws aren’t just about fighting climate change: They’ll improve quality of life while righting injustices. For example, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act together could createup to 3.1 million additional net jobs到2030年。利用所有减少通货膨胀法案的清洁能源激励措施的美国家庭可以接受最高$ 10,000in tax credits and rebates.

现在的问题是:这些开创性的法律是否会在美国开始正常的低碳过渡 - 该法案允许该国实现其减少排放的目标,同时将经济利益带给allpeople?

Important signs of momentum to watch for include:

  • 加速可再生能源部署,包括来自国会和美国机构的加急许可程序;
  • 包括州级在内的州实施“just transition” plans支持化石燃料和其他工人转向低碳经济;
  • 企业和消费者利用法律的无数清洁能源激励措施,例如热泵,电动汽车,太阳能电池板等的补贴;
  • Follow-through on equity, such as the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) promise to bring clean school buses to every community, and the publishing of a Justice40 scorecard to track progress against the administration’s equity commitments; and
  • A domino effect where other countries around the world adopt similarly ambitious climate-friendly just transition policies.

这些故事将共同帮助塑造世界的未来。有关他们如何发挥作用的更多信息,请查看完整Stories to Watch presentation