While negotiations rage on, many world leaders have already left COP26 in Glasgow having said their piece about a low-carbon future for their country. No one can accuse them of being short on vision. But one thing is increasingly clear — it is the doing that is the hardest part.

Since most carbon emissions come from cities, and most people live in cities, there is not an issue on the table at COP26 that does not have inextricablelinks with cities。For the sake of people living in slums — from the Kenyan capital of Nairobi to Jakarta in Indonesia — and for the sake of realizing the sweeping visions laid out at COP21 in Paris and now COP26, it is time to rethink cities. More specifically, it is time to rethink what success in cities means and requires.

WRI researchfinds that globally at least one in three urban residents currently lack access to one or more core urban services. By improving access to housing, energy, water and sanitation, and transport, we can improve quality of life for everyone. And it turns out, a more equal city is a more sustainable city, the kind of city we need to lower emissions and fight the climate crisis.


冠状病毒大流行已将城市生活置于极限,暴露并加剧了深刻的不平等现象。在非非正式工人(全球劳动力中有超过20亿)的非正式工人期间特别残酷的时期之后 - 失业差距等同于1.27亿全职工作在2021年第二季度,全球持续存在。


这些日常负担在全球南部特别突出,那里的城市化快速,非正式和计划外。但是,即使是高收入国家的中产阶级人民也不能免受确保基本需求的压力。无论是美国的洛杉矶还是印度的德里,几乎在工作机会的住房对于许多人来说仍然是无法承受的 - 无论您身在何处,交通都是交通。


Prioritizing the Underserved Benefits Everyone

Six years in the making, the世界资源报告“Seven Transformations for More Equitable and Sustainable Cities”代表了一个越来越多的共识,即服务不足是每个人的服务,这对于确保全市范围内获得更可持续,对气候友好的生活方式至关重要 - 从清洁能源到低排放的运输。必威官网是真的吗

The task of creating a more equal and more sustainable city falls, in large part, to city leaders. They must collaborate across sectors and rapidly transform how their cities are built, managed and experienced, keeping equity at the core.


First, city leaders mustreimagine service provision。这意味着要优先考虑弱势群体,强调低碳和气候硫化基础设施以及整合非正式服务提供商,这意味着更加灵活和雄心勃勃。必威官网是真的吗例如,在南非的德班,阿根廷的罗萨里奥(Rosario)和泰国的曼谷,与社区团体合作升级了容易发生洪水的地区的非正式定居点。这有助于改善基础架构和对服务的访问,并可以确保更安全的气候富裕环境。必威官网是真的吗同时,梅德林和波哥大的哥伦比亚城市投资了高质量,负担得起的公共交通工具,帮助改善了工作机会的机会,同时减少温室气体排放和污染。

第二,城市领导必须include the excluded。This means technical work that starts with improving data collection and properly understanding the value of the informal economy. Doing so exposes gaps in services that residents can then push to be filled. This sort of information enabled informal waste pickers in Pune, India, to negotiate a municipal contract that secured their formal payment while expanding waste collection services to previously unserved neighborhoods.

第三,城市领导必须启用持久的更改。That means addressing shortfalls in financing, urban land management, spatial planning, and governance that today create barriers to lasting change. This is complex but necessary, and the results are rich. In Sao Paulo in Brazil and Johannesburg in South Africa, among other cities, developers are given housing subsidies to build affordable housing in urban areas already well connected to jobs and services. This helps reduce commuting distances and therefore dependence on private cars, in turn helping to decrease emissions in the long-run.



Decisions made in cities today have the power to affect the entire planet and its population. So, for people and for the planet, it is time to rethink cities by focusing on the basics of life — where we live, how we move, how we sustain ourselves. If there is any place where we can overcome the enormous social and environmental global challenges we face today, it is in cities.