世界上与能源相关的排放中的三分之一来自建筑物。所以也许超过80岁也就不足为奇了national climate planssubmitted ahead ofCOP21 in Parisincluded commitments to improve building efficiency.

A year later, the discussion continues with人类定居点日today atCOP22在马拉喀什。这Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction(Global ABC) released areporttaking stock of the opportunity to reduce emissions from buildings, and laid out aroadmapfor national governments attending the climate talks.

One of the key recommendations is to support building efficiency action by cities. WRI leads theBuilding Efficiency Accelerator(BEA),与23个城市合作的30个组织的公私合作,以帮助他们提高建立效率。在此过程中,它们还减少了污染,提高对热浪和其他气候事件的弹性,改善基础设施等等。必威官网是真的吗以下是BEA合作伙伴现在正在工作的四个城市:


Residents of Da Nang, Vietnam’s third-largest city, face hot and humid weather, particularly in the summer. As the climate changes, summer heat waves could pose health risks to citizens in buildings without effective and efficient cooling technology. Because Da Nang’s population is growing rapidly along with its industry and tourism, electricity demand, related pollution and strain on the grid are also growing.

Da Nang’s government has prioritized building efficiency as part of its new弹性策略解决气候变化中的公共卫生风险。必威官网是真的吗当地领导者正在探索创造性的方式,向房地产开发人员和建筑经理发出信号,表明效率是公众的优先事项。政府正在努力提高有关酒店等大型建筑物的能源绩效信息的可用性。而且,它正在考虑加快包括效率措施在内的新建建筑和翻新的允许流程,并创建了一个示范项目,以提高一家或多家酒店的效率。

越南唐。帕特里克·基奥(Patrick Keogh)/flickr的照片
越南唐。帕特里克·基奥(Patrick Keogh)/flickr的照片


家to Europe’s largest university, Eskisehir in Central Anatolia has a dynamic, knowledge-driven economy, and values creating livable spaces as it grows. Demand from Turkey’s national government for better energy performance has placed pressure on building owners to improve efficiency. The city wants to improve its buildings while also protecting the city’s character.

Eskisehir is currently pursuing multiple district redevelopment projects to improve construction quality and public spaces. The mayor and his team are finding ways to include building efficiency measures within the plan to lower energy use while reducing pollution and waste.

Eskisehir is also striving to expedite the effective implementation of Turkey’s national mandate for all large buildings to have energy performance certificates that rate the efficiency of their construction and equipment.


Reducing Energy Costs through Better Buildings in Belgrade, Serbia

In Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, a large stock of old, multifamily public housing provides homes to thousands of residents. Energy to heat 22 million square meters of homes and business, which cover roughly half the city, comes from a district heating system that pipes heat from central sources to individual buildings.

City leaders in Belgrade are now developing a building renovation plan to reduce wasted energy. Better building insulation would lower energy costs for residents and the utility company, while expanding efficient district heating to more of the city.

贝尔格莱德,塞尔维亚。摄影师Magelan Travel/Flickr
贝尔格莱德,塞尔维亚。摄影师Magelan Travel/Flickr






All cities have a unique cultural and political context. Mayors, administrators and other urban leaders often face significant demands and limited resources to address multiple challenges, everything from housing growing populations to reducing utility costs and improving services. Building efficiency is acost-effective solutionthat improves air quality, boosts productivity and provides better occupant comfort.
