合作伙伴包括Bunge,Cargill,Carrefour,Interican Investment Corporation(IIC/IDB),Mars,MondelēzInternational,Walmart,World Resources Institute必威官网手机版等

DAVOS, SWITZERLAND (January 18, 2017)- 今天,在世界经济论坛上,世界上有20家最大的商品生产商,贸易商,制造商,顾问和零售商与研究机构和银行建立了新的合作伙伴关系,以监视森林砍伐并管理从农场到客户的可持续性。在全球范围内,价值2.9万亿美元的366家公司拥有committed为了消除其供应链的森林砍伐,但他们需要更好的信息来善待自己的承诺。

The partnership will focus on building a global decision-support tool to increase transparency and traceability across supply chains.

必威官网手机版’s Global Forest Watch team, partners include Bunge, Cargill, Carrefour, Conservation International, Daemeter, GIZ - Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Envol Vert, IOI Group, Mars, Mondelēz International, IDH–The Sustainable Trade Initiative, the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC/IDB), FMO–Dutch Development Bank, National Wildlife Federation, Rainforest Alliance, Proforest, The Nature Conservancy, Transitions and Walmart. It will also contribute to achieving the zero-deforestation goals of the World Economic Forum-convened Tropical Forest Alliance 2020, Consumer Goods Forum, Banking Environmental Initiative, and more.

该工具将基于WRI开发的技术和方法Global Forest Watch Commoditiesplatform, which currently allows companies to evaluate supply chain risk through high-resolution maps of tree cover loss, near-real-time deforestation and fire alerts, and analysis of individual mills and farms. The new tool will not only be a source of information, but a fully operational management system.

“沃尔玛渴望通过保护和恢复来保护自然资源,与供应商,行业论坛,非营利组织,农民和政府合作,通过商业和慈善计划,”Kathleen McLaughlin, Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. “We have committed to sourcing 20 commodities more sustainably and are resolved to achieve zero net deforestation by 2020 in palm, beef, soy and pulp/paper. The development of innovations and technologies like the Global Forest Watch Commodities tool can help us and others achieve such goals.”

森林砍伐给企业带来了主要风险,尤其是那些拥有大型农业供应链的企业,投资者越来越了解其投资组合风险。农业帐户超过70%由于种植园,牧场和农田清理了森林,热带森林砍伐。森林砍伐可以存在legal and reputational risksfor companies if they source commodities from protected areas or land with disputed ownership. Companies that effectively protect forests while supporting local communities, however, can benefit from a more secure and sustainable supply of materials while preserving ecosystem functions that underpin productive agriculture.



Mars, Unilever, Cargill and Mondelēz are already using GFW Commodities to assess deforestation risks in their palm oil, soy and cocoa supply chains across a collective area of land the size of Mexico. “Over the last year, Cargill partnered with WRI and GFW to help us establish a baseline for tree cover loss in our supply chains from which to measure our progress forward," saidCargill,Inc的可持续发展企业事务助理副总裁Mark Murphy Mark Murphy. “We are proud to join this new initiative to expand GFW’s leading tools and advance a common framework to help all stakeholders better measure and monitor progress to protect forests.”


“我们已经了解需要对抗森林砍伐,以保护自然资本,遏制气候变化并可持续地养活世界。必威官网是真的吗政治意愿在那里。”Andrew Steer, President and CEO, World Resources Institute.“Now is the time to use the power of information technology to meet those goals, while also generating sustainable business opportunities. That could really change the world.”


新闻联系人:森林计划传播经理詹姆斯·安德森(James Anderson);janderson@wri.org;+1(202)729-7608


Luiz Gabriel Azevedo, Chief, Environment, Social & Governance Division, the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC/IDB):

"Biodiversity is one of Latin America’s greatest assets and its protection is paramount for the IIC. The Global Forest Watch platform allows us and our clients to monitor forest cover change and better ensure sustainable land management, particularly among the finance and agribusiness sectors. It provides a remarkably powerful risk management tool."

Andreas Brede, Advisor to Sustainable Value Chains and Standards program, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ):


FMO首席投资官Linda Broekhuizen:

“新的GFW工具不仅可以使传统的供应链参与者,而且还可以从计算机屏幕后面系统地控制其对森林砍伐的风险和相关风险。so that in Paraguay, where we are working with our financial sector clients and partners to understand, control and ideally reduce their deforestation exposure. The tool has also been adopted by one of FMO’s clients in the agricultural sector and we are planning to introduce it to banks and supply chain actors in other countries, following the positive experience in Paraguay."

大自然保护区农业总监David Cleary:

“森林砍伐的承诺立即提出了一个问题,即森林不在餐桌之后,农业扩张发生了方向。我们将拟议的工具视为一个重要的全球框架,我们正在为巴西和巴拉圭等国家 /地区更具本地的决策支持系统进行的持续工作。这种新方法将有助于确保公司能够解决生态系统降解的根本原因,并确保更好地保护森林不会导致对草地等其他重要生态系统的更高转化。”

Thibault Gravier, Associate Director, Transitions:


火星巧克力高级巧克力可持续采购经理David Pendlington:

"At Mars we are committed to creating sustainable palm supply chains and transparency is crucial to help achieve this. Global Forest Watch Commodities’ risk analysis tool has been instrumental in our supplier engagement and helped bring consistency to our tendering process. In addition the redesigned GFW platform will help us to build new collaboration opportunities with our peers and others to co-create solutions using science-based evidence."

Paulo Pianez, Sustainability Director, Carrefour Brazil:

"Biodiversity protection and climate preservation are part of Carrefour Group’s global sustainability action plan. In this context, the company has committed to zero deforestation by 2020, a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025 and a 70% reduction by 2050. Carrefour is aware that land use is an important factor in deforestation and CO2 emissions and is fully mobilized with its partners and stakeholders to develop collective solutions combining production, conservation and restoration. Our new partner, GFW, is an efficient monitoring and controlling instrument, that tackles the causes of biodiversity loss, such as deforestation and CO2 emissions, especially in Brazil. Fighting deforestation is a collective challenge that also involves our clients, and traceability is a key tool to leverage those solutions and to achieve real transformation."

Nigel Sizer, President, Rainforest Alliance:

“Rainforest Alliance is proud to be part of this initiative to better harness emerging technology and real-time systems to support corporate supply chain integrity and accountability. This is great for the companies, forests, communities and climate.”

Daisy Tarrier, President, Envol Vert:

"Deforestation is a complex issue which leads to biodiversity loss, social impacts and climate change. After years of common concern without concrete results, we realize that we can only address it through collaboration. Agreeing to open-data sharing is just the first mandatory step before collaborative action can take place."

Daan Wensing, Global Director of Landscapes Program & Deforestation Commodities, IDH:

“该工具可能会帮助银行,投资者,公司和组织各地的全球做出更好的决策,无论是进行更智能的投资,消除森林砍伐还是从可持续来源那里采购。在IDH,我们与所有这些私人,公共和金融部门合作,以保护森林,同时促进关键地区的绿色增长。这需要合理的数据才能使有影响力的投资成为可能。我们认为,GFWC 2.0将帮助我们和我们的合作伙伴根据最新数据做出投资决策,并监控公共和私人影响的进展。”