华盛顿(2021年12月20日) -如今,美国环境保护局(EPA)最终确定了更强大的车辆排放规则,这是实现美国在2030年削减温室气体排放目标并确保所有美国人呼吸的关键工具清新的空气


新规则是乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统致力于解决温室气体排放的承诺 - 包括他的Executive Order设定目标50%到2030年,所有新乘用车销售中的50%是零排放车的目标Executive Order为了使联邦政府在2035年之前购买100%零排放车辆,到2027年,零排放轻型汽车和卡车。

Following is a statement from Dan Lashof, Director, WRI United States:

“Today the Biden administration made history by setting the strongest national vehicle emissions standards the United States has ever seen. Responding to formal comments from WRI and many others, the final rule is significantly stronger than the proposal made last August, reflecting the dynamic growth of the electric vehicle market as battery prices fall. The American people are the real winners as the new rules will reduce air pollution that harms public health and contributes to climate change, while also saving consumers money at the pump, creating good-paying American jobs and accelerating vehicle electrification across the country.
