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WASHINGTON (November 7, 2020)— Joseph R. Biden and Kamala D. Harris have been elected as the next president and vice president of the United States. They received the most votes by a presidential ticket in U.S. history and were able to win several states that Donald Trump won in 2016. The U.S. House of Representatives stayed majority Democrat. The outcome for the composition of the U.S. Senate is very close and currently undetermined.

Following is a statement from Dr. Andrew Steer, President & CEO, World Resources Institute:

“It’s a new day for issues that are critical for American’s health and well-being and for the planet. A record-breaking number of Americans voted for a new direction. They voted for a better, brighter future led by a government that sets policies based on science and evidence. They voted for a worldview that values equity and racial justice, and emphasizes compassion and dignity.

“我们祝贺乔·拜登(Joe Biden)将成为下一任美国总统和卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris),后者将是第一位女性,第一个黑人,也是第一位成为美国历史副总统的印度裔美国人。”

“The fabric of the country has been badly strained by the pandemic, the economic downturn and a chaotic election. Now is the time for the country to heal and come together. President-elect Biden must quickly turn to protecting people’s health, while rebuilding the economy for all Americans.


“In his first 100 days, Biden can set a new course by expediting the energy transition and by restoring rules and regulations that protect public health and the environment. Biden should work with Congress to take action through economic recovery packages and the budget process that will enhance climate resilience, reduce emissions and expand clean energy.

“By re-entering the Paris Agreement on Day One, President-elect Biden can boost confidence in international cooperation and begin to restore U.S. standing in the world.他应该提出一项具有雄心勃勃的排放目标的国家气候计划,以加速向零碳经必威官网是真的吗济的过渡。

“Over the last four years, U.S. cities, states and businesses have worked together to make progress on climate change, even without federal leadership. Now, we need an all-hands-on-deck approach with national, state and local leaders pulling together for a low-carbon economy, powered by equitable and sustainable growth. These leaders should urge Congress to join the national effort.

“President-elect Biden made 必威官网是真的吗climate change a central pillar of his campaign and his victory affirms that climate action can be a winning issue.随着与气候必威官网是真的吗相关的灾难的兴起和行动的好处变得更加清晰,美国人不断增长和多样化的运动希望国家领导。他们想要使所有人受益的清洁能源工作。他们希望以科学和证据为指导政策。他们想要一个更健康,更公平且更具弹性的世界。

“This is a new day for the climate, the environment and the American people. The opportunity for a better tomorrow is possible. There’s not a minute to lose.”