
Both natural and technological strategies exist to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it through various means, such as in trees and plants, soils, underground reservoirs, rocks, the ocean and even through products like concrete. Different approaches to carbon removal come with different risks and co-benefits. WRI researches the opportunities and challenges associated with carbon removal solutions and offers practical steps that U.S. policymakers can take to accelerate action.

Analysis by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows that deployment of carbon removal is critical to achieve U.S. and global emissions reduction targets by 2050. Even with rapid investment in emission reductions, the United States could need to remove about2 gigatons到本世纪中叶每年的二氧化碳才达到零净 - 这是关于30%美国2019年温室气体排放。在全球范围内,科学家预测,最多10 GTCO2将需要removed annuallyfrom the atmosphere by 2050, with increased removal capacity up to 20 GtCO2 per year by 2100.



1. Expanding options and capacity for carbon removal.

  • Carbon removal methods include natural strategies like tree restoration and agricultural soil management; high-tech strategies like direct air capture and enhanced mineralization; and hybrid strategies like enhanced root crops, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, and ocean-based carbon removal.
  • Pursuing an all-of-the-above carbon removal portfolio in the United States would provide the most cumulative carbon removal at the lowest risk. It creates the most options for achieving the 2 GtCO2removal target by 2050, should any single pathway fail to realize its expected potential.

Visit the决策者自然气候解决方案指南必威官网是真的吗用于将科学转化为战略的资源。

  • 通过重新造林,补货退化的森林和农林业系统将树木恢复到景观中,是美国最大的“铲子就绪”机会,可以在美国大规模清除碳。
  • 直接空气捕获 - 一种使用化学反应从大气中捕获二氧化碳的技术方法,正在作为一种有希望的碳去除方法获得吸引力,这可能是较大的碳去除组合的必要组成部分。


  • 联邦和州的政策和资金以及私营部门的投资可以帮助美国开发和部署碳清除解决方案的组合。
  • To accelerate U.S. carbon removal, a set of high-priority, near-term, federal policy options would require up to60亿美元per year in federal funding over the next 10 years. By comparison, U.S. direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry are roughly $20 billion per year.

Cover Image by: Dave Gardner Creative/National Forest Foundation