
面向运输的开发(TOD) - 一项计划策略,旨在建立紧凑的综合用途社区,可使用高质量的公共交通和行动能力 - 是可持续城市化的关键。但是,TOD的设计和实施可能是独家的,导致低收入居民的流离失所和社区的高档化。

Developing more inclusive TOD processes can help urban communities mitigate potential negative outcomes. This working paper examines the role good governance principles of clear institutional arrangements, policy alignment, public participation, transparency and accountable can play in TOD. Using a new “capacity-to-act” mapping methodology to sketch out governance landscapes, the paper analyzes challenges to inclusive TOD in three Brazilian urban redevelopment case studies and identifies good practices that cities can adopt to avoid inequality and exclusion in TOD.



TOD does not automatically equate to better livability and quality of life for citizens. Development near transit can lead—and has led—to displacement of low-income households and mixed-income neighborhoods, resulting in inequality and exclusion. Developing TOD in an inclusive manner can help to mitigate some of these potential negative outcomes. An inclusive TOD ensures that current and future community members have a meaningful role in defining their needs and setting out the objectives for the design and implementation process of TOD. Inclusive design, finance, and governance mechanisms can reduce the potential for citizen and livelihood displacement and can encourage the equitable outcome of an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse TOD.

This paper seeks to understand how to build an inclusive TOD by incorporating governance principles of clear institutional arrangements, policy alignment, public participation, and transparency and accountability into the implementation of TOD. Using these established governance principles, the paper analyzes potential challenges to inclusive TOD in three Brazilian urban redevelopment cases: Àgua Branca in São Paulo, Distrito C in Porto Alegre, and Porto Maravilha in Rio de Janeiro. Although these cities have not yet opted to pursue inclusive TOD, understanding the institutions and actors in place in each can help to shed light on the role of governance in inclusive TOD.

