
坦桑尼亚和莫桑比克 - 广阔的山脉和开放式高原国家 - 现在面临着越来越多的土地问题。随着土壤退化,气候变化和人口增长的影响,在必威官网是真的吗维持数百万人民的自然资源上,跨国公司也在两国各地的大片土地上努力。在这些压力之间陷入困境,许多贫穷的农村社区被流离失所或决定出售其共同持有的土地。尽管她们几乎总是在商业土地交易中获得短暂的持久,但在村庄重新安置时,妇女比男人更挣扎于重建自己的生活和生计。



  • 妇女不成比例地承担了全球南方大规模土地投资(在农业综合企业,提取物,伐木)中的负面影响。

  • 缺乏正式的土地权利及其在家庭和社区中的下属作用,导致妇女在决策过程中的边缘化以及在赔偿分配以及计划和实施安置方面的绕过。

  • 在坦桑尼亚和莫桑比克,两个促进商业土地投资的国家需要社区咨询并向受影响的当地社区支付薪酬,但他们未能充分考虑妇女的关注和观点。法律框架中的差距包括缺乏对妇女的土地利益和农业活动的考虑,以及她们需要获得共同财产资源(例如水,柴火和野生植物)和社会基础设施的需求,以帮助重建生计。

  • 妇女在决策机构中的人数不足,法律缺乏确保参与社区咨询和同意程序的机制。

  • Regulatory changes — including reforms of compensation eligibility and payment mechanisms, gender quotas in decision-making entities, more participatory processes and grievance mechanisms, community awareness-raising, and gender sensitization of government authorities and investors — could make compensation and resettlement processes more equitable for women.


Studies show that women disproportionately bear the adverse impacts of land commercialization in the global South.对农业综合企业,采矿或伐木的投资导致土地丧失和当地社区流离失所,生计损失以及社区资产的损失 - 对女性的影响比男性差。随着任期权利,更高的文盲率,更少的流动性和在社区中的下属作用,妇女通常在决策,薪酬分配以及安置安置计划的计划和实施方面被束缚。妇女通常没有获得赔偿金,并且她们失去了他们所需的家庭消费和补充生计所需的资源(水,柴火,野生植物和水果)的机会。当流离失所和安置到新领域时,他们几乎没有任何手段来重建其生产系统和社交网络。

This paper examines how gaps in the legal frameworks governing land compensation and resettlement in Tanzania and Mozambique result in exclusionary outcomes for women.It builds on an earlier World Resources Institute (WRI) working paper, “Making Women’s Voices Count in Community Decision-Making on Land Investments,” which examines the regulatory frameworks governing the land acquisition processes and identifies ways to strengthen women’s participation in the decision-making involved. This paper analyzes the subset of regulations that govern the parallel processes of land compensation and resettlement. Like the earlier paper, it stems from a collaborative project by WRI, the Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP) Mtandao, the Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA), and Centro Terra Viva (CTV) (in Mozambique). WRI conducted the legal analysis and literature review, with inputs from the country partners; the partners conducted field research, in some of which WRI participated. The project also included outreach activities in the communities studied and with relevant subnational and national government agencies. The goal of the project is to have women recognized as stakeholders in community land governance and create spaces for their engagement in decision-making processes.


Tanzania and Mozambique are among the top targets for commercial land acquisitions in the global South.两国的政府鼓励投资者利益,该利益以挖掘和农业商业化为中心。大多数旨在或分配给投资者的土地在法律上被习惯社区拥有或占领,从而导致社区和投资者之间的纠纷。

两国的法律需要在获得社区土地时支付薪酬。在坦桑尼亚,实施土地法的法规,尤其是2001年《 2001年乡村土地法规》,规定了赔偿要求和程序。根据指定的估值方法,为土地和改善(例如房屋,树木和常规农作物)支付了赔偿。某些津贴 - 持续,运输,住宿和利润损失也可能会支付。赔偿可能是现金;替代土地;种类(幼苗,谷物供应等);或形式的组合。但是,除了根据采矿法和由开发银行资助的项目外,提供替换土地只是一种选择,而不是必需品。乡村议会(乡村理事机构)必须对公共土地和资产提出赔偿要求,受影响的家庭必须提交持有土地的索赔。没有具体的政策,法律或法规控制重新安置。






从哪些资源(例如水,柴火,饲料,野生植物和水果)丧失进入公共土地和森林的丧失,也会对妇女产生不成比例的影响。当这些资源未得到补偿或替代,或者当赔偿未覆盖妇女时,家庭营养可能会受到影响,而妇女可能不得不花更多的时间和精力来履行其家庭责任。Similarly, when social services and infrastructure—such as roads and health posts, as well as intangible assets such as communication routes—are not compensated for or replaced in resettlement sites, women’s resilience and ability to cope with new and often harder living conditions are severely affected. Benefits such as employment opportunities usually favor men, although in some instances female labor is preferred in lower-skilled manual tasks. Overall, given their manifold disadvantages, women have fewer options than men for replacing lost livelihoods and resources.


More Gender-Equitable Compensation and Resettlement

坦桑尼亚和莫桑比克必须在其法律框架中解决缺陷,以确保为妇女及其社区提供公平的交易。Guided by key human rights principles—such as gender equality, due process, free and prior informed consent, and just compensation—the regulations on compensation and resettlement should address the following concerns:


  • Compensation of both spouses or all members of the household with an interest in the land acquired by the investor must be mandated. Distribution mechanisms—such as payment in the joint names of spouses or directly to women, through mobile phone banking, for example—must be established. Replacement land must be in the name of both spouses.
  • 必须明确和强制性地支付访问权限和/或更换公共资源和无形资产的费用,并优先考虑。财产估值准则必须要求赔偿妇女从公共资源中获得的用途和利益。
  • 赔偿不仅必须仅用于经济作物(主要由男性种植),还必须用于生存作物(往往由妇女种植)。
  • Promises of employment opportunities, social services, and local infrastructure must be in writing in a legally binding document or otherwise formally included in the compensation or resettlement plan. They must be accompanied by clear implementation plans and timeframes for completion, as well as accountability for implementation.


  • Women’s representation in decision-making bodies and processes related to compensation and resettlement can be achieved through gender quotas and quorum and voting requirements in the relevant community governance bodies and national and local oversight entities, including the village council in Tanzania and the Technical Resettlement Monitoring and Supervision Committee in Mozambique.
  • 可以通过考虑文化障碍,识字问题以及时间和流动性限制,包括举行妇女妇女会议或焦点小组讨论以及在几天和时间安排会议,可以增加妇女参加所有社区咨询和公开听证会的有意义的参与。给女人。
  • 必须通过评论或参与该程序的请求来纳入相关政府机构,特别是指控性别或妇女的部的投入。
  • Rights-awareness and informational campaigns for both affected and host communities must include outreach for women and sensitization activities for men.
  • 监测和缓解基于性别的暴力的策略,尤其是公司安全部队,必须是重新安置计划的一部分,或者在单独的有约束力的书面承诺中提供。
  • 申诉机制必须可以接触,公平,透明,在文化上适当且对性别敏感。

The institutional and administrative framework of government must be strengthened through gender trainings and sensitization activities, mechanisms for improved institutional coordination, and increased transparency and accountability.政府通过以性别敏感的方式实施的性别公平法律和法规来创造社会变革空间的关键作用。