到现在为止,碳和生态footprintsare commonly known, with an ever-increasing number of cities all over the world using them to measure potential reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and broader environmental impacts. These footprints have made the concept of climate change mitigation much more accessible but remain limited in scope and are an abstract measure of impact. For example, the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Inventories only specifies scope 1 and 2 emissions, leaving out scope 3 emissions (often referred to as “value chain emissions,” as they are outside the boundary of the community). Similarly, footprints are often measured by global hectares, which leads to a lack of accountability.


输入城市4forestForest Footprint for Cities。这种新方法(已经在厄瓜多尔到挪威的10个城市都驾驶 - 旨在帮助衡量热带森林砍伐和相关CO的面积2消耗与森林砍伐有关的商品产生的排放。该方法捕获了城市总排放量的很大一部分,并为城市政府提供了可视化和量化其对森林风险商品的消费所需的信息,并产生了影响。


Padang Sugihan Wildlife Reserve
左侧是用油棕种植的社区土地,右侧是塞伯克(Sebokor)的帕登·苏吉汉(Padang Sugihan)野生动物保护区,其大树不再可见。照片由Faizal Abdul Aziz/Cifor摄

Why a Forest Footprint?

热带森林对于储存碳,冷却地球并产生降雨的水分至关重要thousands of miles离开。每年,3 to 4 million hectares砍伐热带森林以生产城市消费的商品,例如棕榈油,大豆,牛肉,木纤维和咖啡。实际上,热带森林砍伐的排放将排名第三,仅次于美国和中国。森林砍伐的影响变得如此严重,以至于科学家警告说亚马逊可以到达临界点beyond which it no longer generates enough rainfall to sustain itself as a rainforest.

On the flip side, halting this destruction and implementing nature-based solutions — most significantly by halting tropical deforestation — could represent up to 30% of the global carbon mitigation needed to持有1.5的世界到2030年,c(2.7度F)的温暖度。

当然,杂货店餐厅和药房中的森林砍伐产品并不总是很明显。平均咖啡没有宣传其在蒙塔尼云森林丧失中的作用。棕榈油也不会出现在令人困惑的普通产品中,在许多产品下也没有其他名称, acknowledge its contribution to the destruction of an intact tropical ecosystem. In both cases, tropical forests are cleared to make room for crop production.



The Forest Footprint for Cities demystifies the link between cities and tropical deforestation, helping cities understand the impacts they have on forests outside their boundaries and connecting it to issues cities are already tackling. The methodology uses data on how much city residents use, eat or buy certain products, multiplies it by the amount of tropical forest lost per unit of the commodity, and calculates an estimate of total forest loss caused by the city in hectares and CO2equivalents. These totals can then be broken down to show deforestation by broad categories of agricultural products, including beef, soy, palm, wood fiber and other crops. This disaggregation gives cities a detailed picture of their消费体现森林砍伐- 被定义为森林砍伐(在公顷中),归因于森林被某种商品所取代。城市可以估计他们具体森林砍伐,or the amount of deforestation associated with the production of a given commodity,as an annual average and as a range, in aggregate and on a per capita basis, and easily make comparisons between themselves and a global consumption average.


Scaling Sustainable Consumption in Cities

最终,城市见解的森林足迹旨在作为城市以最有意义的人口和现有气候策略制定政策的基础。必威官网是真的吗每个城市的脚印都带来了独特的挑战和行动机会。为了帮助城市确定其行动选择,Cities4Forest创建了补充森林足迹行动计划, which identifies 10 categories of action and provides case studies of how they’ve been undertaken. Importantly, the categories outlined in the action plan build on practices that are already commonplace in cities around the world.




通常,森林被清除以种植最终的食物in the trash。As an example, metropolitan London’s Forest Footprint is around 11,000 hectares of tropical deforestation annually, emitting roughly 6.1 million tonnes of carbon-dioxide equivalent. At the same time, cutting food waste could reduce the city’s embodied deforestation by a maximum of10–25%

Comparison of per capita city GHG emissions by sector and forest footprint emissions
固定能源(例如建筑物的加热,电力的生产),运输和废物(例如,垃圾填埋场的甲烷)是最常见的部门Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories。将它们与在此处以人均水平的体现森林砍伐(绿色)的消耗相比。作者的照片/C40 GHG Inventory


Indeed, wood contributes to Vancouver’s Forest Footprint, but in a surprisingly smaller way than one might think when compared to other products linked to deforestation. Where Metropolitan Vancouver’s wood fibre consumption results in 293 hectares of primary tropical deforestation every year, their coffee consumption results in 61 hectares of primary tropical deforestation every year and upwards of 31,000 tCO2/年相关的温室气体排放。对于咖啡,这大约相当于10,000个温哥华人驾驶年度排放


