Forest Data Partnership rallies stakeholders to increase alignment around data that supports policymaking and corporate action

SHARM EL SHEIKH (November 14, 2022)- 今天在COP27,森林数据合作伙伴关系启动了针对公司,公共机构和非政府组织的行动呼吁,以促进和运营世界土地和森林的更好数据。森林数据合作伙伴关系的目标是改善土地使用决策,加快供应链可持续性的过渡,并在全球范围内反向商品驱动的森林损失。


“How can we create impact at scale if we are all measuring our individual actions in differing ways?” said Craig Hanson, Executive Vice President for Programs, WRI. “We urgently need a universally aligned approach to monitoring, verifying and disclosing progress, which will drive mutual cooperation and trust. The open-source, transparent geospatial data solutions of the Forest Data Partnership’s validation process will be a key facilitator of more positive outcomes moving forward.”

FAO团队负责人朱利安·福克斯(Julian Fox)表示:“数据是所有景观监测,恢复和影响报告工作的核心。”“为了驱动全系统的变化,我们必须解决当前数据格局所带来的关键挑战,该数据格局是分散且复杂的。这是一项旨在旨在利用现有数据,增加对齐方式并在整个生态系统中建立广泛共识的独特倡议。”

Call to Action

The Forest Data Partnership invites participation from leading companies that buy, produce or finance forest-risk commodities such as cattle, cocoa, palm oil and soy; along with national and sub-national governments, NGOs, and technical partners and communities located in tropical landscapes. Participants are expected to support the goals of the Partnership by:

  • Aligning and engaging with stakeholders:影响其他利益相关者围绕关键数据集和通过宣传来监测商品关联的森林砍伐和森林恢复的方法,并动员其他关键参与者参与森林数据合作伙伴关系。
  • Delivering positive impact with data:伙伴关系产生的数据,方法,分析和其他功能输出,以跟踪,验证和加速森林相关承诺的进展。
  • 驾驶森林阳性价值链:Share expertise on unique commodity or sector-specific challenges and solutions that address key drivers of deforestation.

Learn more about supporting the Forest Data Partnership at

Initiated in October 2021, this five-year partnership, coordinated by the World Resources Institute (WRI) with support from USAID and the U.S. Department of State, brings together leading organizations, governments and private sector partners to collectively address the challenge of improving land use data. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and WRI will lead the development of the data ecosystem by convening public and private sector stakeholders, providing governance and facilitation, and maintaining technical facilities for implementation. SERVIR, a joint initiative of NASA, USAID and leading geospatial organizations, will build capacity to use geospatial data at national and regional levels through its network of hubs in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Google will support the initiative as the key technology partner and platform provider. Unilever will serve as the private sector lead for launching the ecosystem and coordinating private sector involvement.