必威官网手机版世界资源研究所的必威官网是真的吗气候弹性实践(CRP) - 与气候弹性投资联盟必威官网是真的吗(CCRI),威利斯·塔斯·沃森(Willis Towers Watson)和联合国工业发展组织(UNIDO) - 赢得了全球环境设施(GEF)适应创新挑战奖。在400多名申请人中,WRI是10名决赛入围者之一,现在有资格获得一旦获得全面批准的130万美元。这项新的资金使CCRI和WRI与脆弱国家合作,可以扩展为推进系统弹性的工作,以动员急需的适应融资。

作为物理气候风险必威官网是真的吗(PCRs) on investments becomes more apparent, investors seek solutions to address these risks proactively. However, it is becoming clear that current investment decision-making practices severely misprice these risks. This poses analytical challenges and constitutes a form of market failure; both must be addressed to better prevent natural and financial disasters, harness investment opportunities, and mobilize public and private finance effectively.

CCRI是一项由私营部门领导的倡议,拥有100多名成员和20万亿美元的管理资产。它着重于推进实用工具和解决方案,以激励和奖励将弹性纳入投资。CCRI由WRI,Willis Towers Watson,Willis Towers Watson,Willis Towers Watson和英国政府概念化,最初是在2019年联合国气候行动峰会上推出的。必威官网是真的吗


Through CCRI and alongside key public institutions, WRI is helping mobilize the global private finance industry to develop and test practical solutions that integrate PCRs into investment decision-making. These solutions focus on addressing interrelated challenges at the asset design, financing and systemic levels.

With the GEF’s funding, WRI, CCRI and Willis Towers Watson will:

  1. 量身定制系统性风险评估,与包括小岛发展州在内的脆弱国家合作,以提高公共能力评估和管理弹性基础设施网络。
  2. 优先考虑最大程度地提高经济和社会弹性的投资。
  3. Develop systemic resilience metrics that communicate macroeconomic value at risk for an infrastructure network’s specific exposure to climate risks to guide both private and public decision-makers more effectively.

These solutions will be coupled with efforts to structure investment vehicles that reward public and private actors for funding resilience work.

这是WRI主持人的气候弹性投资联盟系统弹性论坛主席Alan Smith关于赢得该奖项的说法:必威官网是真的吗

“We are absolutely thrilled with the GEF’s support: This award will build on our pioneering work with Jamaica, helping us work with several vulnerable country governments to advance systemic risk planning and investment, support development of critical resilience metrics, and work with our private sector members to deploy investments that leverage CCRI solutions. We cannot achieve a net-zero world without being resilient first — and are excited to be in this journey with the GEF and our partners.”
