The United States made substantial progress towards a low-carbon economy over the past several years. Low-carbon technologies became more efficient and affordable compared to fossil fuels, while U.S. clean energy investment and deployment grew to new heights, creating millions of jobs.

由于Covid-19和government supportfor the declining fossil fuel industry. But there is a better way—one that spurs economic growth, creates jobs, reduces costs for Americans and fights climate change.

我们的新论文综合了有关当今经济现实中美国气候行动的好处的最新研究。必威官网是真的吗我们发现,强烈的气候行动和对低碳基础设施的必威官网是真的吗投资可能是有效的方法build back better从Covid-19,并确保经济的长期成功。

这是从中绘制的10个图表America’s New Climate Economy, which illustrate the economic benefits of advancing climate policies in the United States:


像冠状病毒大流行一样,气候变化是威胁乘数。必威官网是真的吗美国回应越早,限制气候变化的影响就越容易。必威官网是真的吗必威官网是真的吗气候变化已经增加the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like hurricanes.

没有新政策,美国将面临相当于气候变化的经济损害必威官网是真的吗1-3% of GDPper year by 2100. In a worst-case scenario, the damages could reach 3.7-10%.

There will be more heat-related deaths, crop yields will decline in many parts of the country, extreme weather will become more frequent and intense, and sea level rise will damage houses, roads and other infrastructure. There are other huge costs of reliance on fossil fuels, too. Air pollution caused107,00过早死亡仅在2017年美国。早期研究表明,居住在污染地区的人是更容易受到covid-19的影响


大约四分之三现在,美国煤炭舰队的运营要比建造和运营新的太阳能和风能农场要昂贵。最近的研究also suggests that new natural gas plants could be a risky investment, given continuing improvements in the cost and performance of clean energy technologies. This has changed the calculus of many utilities, which are increasingly making commitments to cut fossil fuel generation and transition to zero-carbon electricity.

成本也在其他部门下降。例如,电动汽车和SUV已经比汽油或柴油车要便宜,即使是由于冠状病毒,汽油价格也低 - 预计它们将达到购买价格均等during the mid-2020s。电池存储对于电动汽车的部署至关重要,并解决了风能和太阳能的可变性,已经看到了戏剧性的价格下降,从2010年的每千瓦时1,100美元到2019年的156美元/kWh。




The coronavirus is curbing U.S. clean energy investments, with investment in new renewables capacity下降30%在2020年上半年,与2019年的同一时期相比清洁能源投资的基础长期以来保持不变,并且给定历史的低利率为公共部门和私营部门提供了巨大的机会,以刺激Alow-carbon post-COVID recovery


In the power sector, zero-emissions generation like solar and wind was responsible for about 544,000 jobs in 2019, more than twice as many as the 214,000 jobs in fossil fuel generation. Add that to jobs in energy efficiency, low-carbon vehicles and clean fuels, and there were360万美国人他们在2019年拥有清洁能源工作 - 比所有杂货店和酒类商店的工人总和多。




其他低碳部门也是工作创造者。例如,作为2009年美国刺激支出的一部分,每美元花在公共交通项目上70% more job-hoursthan a dollar spent on highways. Investing $4 billion per year in reforestation and sustainable forest management could support150,000个工作每年 - 目前支持的工作量是伐木的三倍。

最重要的是要确保清洁能源工作是优质的工作。清洁能源工作的平均每小时工资高于全国平均水平8–19%而且许多人都可以使用大学学位。但是,有important concerns与化石燃料工作相比,关于工作质量,安全性和工资,包括缺乏某些项目中的医疗保健和合同安全等福利。


Decarbonization will require new investment in infrastructure such as clean power plants, green buildings, and electric vehicles, among others. A range of studies estimate that ambitious climate action will require additional energy investments equivalent to 2% of GDP at the most. One of the newest studies估计的that the United States would experience net savings rather than net expenditures, with the additional clean energy investment needs outweighed by fossil fuel spending reductions.

即使对低碳经济的额外投资达到了GDP的2%,这也很好historical range。现在,美国的能源支出处于低点,约占GDP的6%,但波动高达13%。美国美联储将利率降低到零,以应对冠状病毒大流行的经济影响,因此现在是对长期投资低碳基础设施的特别好时机。

7) The United States can secure a share in the booming domestic and global cleantech market.

Demand for low-carbon technologies is increasing, both within the United States and globally. The United States has an opportunity to boost manufacturing and open pathways to increased competitiveness.

美国先进的能源行业产生了2380亿美元2018年收入约为全球总数的15%。这大致等于航空制造业的生物技术行业的两倍。此外,a $23 trillion marketfor climate-smart investments is expected to be created by 2030 in 21 emerging markets as those countries work to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Given the broadly shared concern about U.S. economic recovery after the coronavirus, this is an ideal moment to revitalize America’s manufacturing sector by scaling up the production and export of low-carbon technologies.


Low-income, rural households face the最高能源负担在该国,将家庭收入的9%用于能源账单,而全国平均水平为3.3%。这可能迫使许多农村家庭在支付能源账单和满足其他基本需求(例如食品或医学)之间进行艰难的权衡。这也增加了这些家庭可以看到其公用事业服务在某个时候关闭的可能性,这种情况是COVID-19正在加剧


9) Wind energy provides new streams of income for farming and ranching communities.

风电场支付了$761 million in state and local taxes in 2018, plus $289 million in lease payments to farmers and landowners who hosted wind turbines on their land. In Adair County, Iowa, 10 new wind farms built over the last decadeadded 30%到该县的税基。在明尼苏达州杰克逊县,风电场产生近20%该县的年度运营收入。


10) 41 U.S. States and the District of Columbia are growing their economies while reducing emissions.

A growing wave of U.S. state and city policymakers are realizing that climate action is the only sustainable way forward, and the economics back up this conviction.





For more, read:美国的新气候经济:美国气候行必威官网是真的吗动的经济利益的综合指南