
Managing Uncertainty While Developing Long-Term Strategies for GHG Emission Mitigation

联合国巴黎一致性已经建立了一个目标,即相对于工业前水平,将全球平均表面温度升高至2°C低于2°C,并采取努力将温度升高到1.5°C。随着温室气体(GHG)在全球范围内继续上升(LeQuéré等人,2018年),到达目标是必要的。根据《巴黎协定程序》,每个参与国家都必须提交全国确定的捐款,这代表了每个国家在2025 - 30年之前减少温室气体排放的努力。但是,这些认捐的减少和将全球变暖限制在2100以下的2°C以下所需的减少之间存在很大差异(UNEP 2017)。根据《巴黎协定》,这些国家还被邀请传达其“本世纪中叶,长期的低温温室气体排放开发策略”(UNFCCC 2018)。鉴于排放差距,决策者总是必须准备更雄心勃勃的计划来加强温室气体缓解措施。

尽管所有政府或工业领导人都面临影响其决策过程的不确定性,包括对低碳技术选择的未来成本的不确定性,其他经济参与者的缓解行动的幅度以及经济增长的速度,但一件事是确定的。- GHG排放必须减少更多。今天迁移到低碳或无碳能力将减少将来减少温室气体排放的任务。



Policy frameworks are the key to determining a nation’s ability to incentivize the deployment of new technologies, attract private capital, internalize externalities (such as the health effects of air pollution), modernize electricity transmission and distribution, and expand access to energy. These policy frameworks should combine肯定关于政策目标,以确保经济参与者的稳定投资环境和flexibility调整政策参数以优化系统的性能,以便以最低的成本实现政策目标。

A good way to manage uncertainty while developing a long-term strategy is to establish a clear and transparent policy mix that allows for periodic policy review and adjustments. In many cases, pilot programs (one or two years) can help fine-tune policy design and prepare economic actors for policy compliance; thereafter, however, policies with longer time horizons (five years or more) are recommended to provide planning and investment certainty to market participants. These medium-term policies should contribute to overarching long-term mitigation strategies and should be accompanied by robust planning processes to ensure consistency across instruments as well as to establish the supporting institutional and regulatory frameworks.


At a later stage, however, such targeted support measures should be reviewed and, where political will and institutional capacities allow, gradually phased out as more cost-effective mitigation instruments, such as carbon pricing, are introduced and scaled up. In any scenario, a crucial way to manage uncertainty and attract clean energy investment is to ensure property rights, contracts, and transparent dispute settlement procedures to guarantee the rights of investors.

Fragmented government structures with nonintegrated objectives have been identified as barriers to effective translation of national commitments to the regional and local level and to industrial actors (see, e.g., Resosudarmo et al. 2013 for the case of Indonesia). In many cases, different departments and ministries within a government have different objectives and priorities. To reduce uncertainty in future policies, integration and mainstreaming of climate policy priorities across all levels of the government is recommended. Any policymaking deals with multiple objectives, so coordinated policies must be created that address multiple objectives.

Developing a robust strategy to mitigate climate change can help achieve other objectives. Long-term planning should seek synergies in strategies to achieve multiple objectives. However, combining policy instruments can lower overall efficiency due to adverse interactions and trade-offs (Fischer and Preonas 2010; Paltsev et al. 2015). The experience of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) provides an example where simultaneous operation of the trading system alongside targeted instruments to promote energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy deployment contributed to a severe imbalance of supply and demand in the carbon market, resulting in a prolonged collapse of allowance prices and a carbon price signal that has been too weak to promote fuel switching.

Policymakers should seek to integrate the objectives of different government and industrial entities with a policy package with one clear policy instrument. For example, a carbon tax designed in the Canadian province of British Columbia decreased carbon emissions, increased real GDP, reduced reliance on fossil fuel use, reduced personal income tax rates and general corporate income tax rates, and provided other tax benefits for businesses and consumers (Murray and Rivers 2015). Complimentary instruments that share a common objective with the core instrument can be employed to establish broader policy support.

The need for low-emitting technologies will shift the current technology mix, but the exact contribution of a particular technology and the timing of this shift depend on many economic and political variables. Such uncertainty about future costs and technologies should discourage governments from trying to pick the “winners”; instead, their policy and investment focus should be on targeting emissions reductions from any energy source (Paltsev 2017).



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Murray, B., and N. Rivers. 2015. “British Columbia’s Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax: A Review of the Latest ‘Grand Experiment’ in Environmental Policy.”能源政策86:674–83。


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All the interpretations and findings set forth in this expert perspective are those of the author and should not be attributed to any institutions or entities.