
华盛顿(2019年1月15日) -技术驱动的运输中断的速度不仅在改变人们的发展方式,而且改变了改变城市自己的方式。政府,公司,非营利组织和居民越来越多地询问如何以正确的方式纳入乘车,码头自行车和踏板车,甚至自动驾驶汽车,甚至自动驾驶汽车。

NUMO, the New Urban Mobility alliance, is a new collaborative effort announced today that will help answer these questions through innovative pilot projects, public engagement and experimental research in cities around the world. NUMO aims to guide policymakers, the private sector and people toward a shared vision of cities and urban mobility.

“城市街道上的创新和破坏速度迫使每个人(居民,市政府,监管机构和私营部门)重新思考长期以来的假设。它为我们提供了纠正当前问题并在二十一世纪重制城市的机会。”罗宾·蔡斯(Robin Chase)Numo指导委员会和Zipcar联合创始人的执行主席。“ Numo试图将各种各样的参与者汇集在一起​​,以使新的声音面临如何做到这一点并鼓励大胆实验的挑战。”

由Wri Ross Center主持,Numo是共同的宜居城市的出行原则,有170多家公司和政府签署了这一指导愿景,以实现更可持续,包容,繁荣和韧性的城市。Numo将获得慈善家和WRI董事会成员Stephen M. Ross的600万美元种子赠款,Numo将是一个大型帐篷联盟,致力于将共同的出行原则栩栩如生。


“我的希望是,我们将共同勇敢而大胆,从失败并迅速扩展成功解决方案的想法中学习。”Ani DasguptaNumo秘书处负责人和WRI ROSS可持续城市中心的全球总监。“我们知道我们需要去哪里;现在,我们需要提供到达那里的方法。”

Harriet Tregoningwill lead NUMO as its director. She comes to NUMO with deep experience in urban planning, smart mobility and community development, having previously served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Community Planning and Development at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Obama administration, and Director of the District of Columbia Office of Planning. During her tenure in D.C. government, Tregoning, an avid bike commuter, pushed to make it easier for city residents to take public transit, bike or walk. She played a major role in expanding D.C.’s bike infrastructure and launching its pioneering bikeshare program. She is also an expert on smart growth, resilient cities and equity issues.
