2017年,印度尼西亚宣布将低碳,绿色增长纳入其国家发展战略的目标。为了支持这一努力,WRI领导了一个研究联盟,探索了低碳发展的潜力,从而导致印度尼西亚2020 - 2024年印度尼西亚国家发展计划的绿色增长中心定位。


Indonesia, the world’s fourth-most populous country, has achieved impressive economic growth, with per capita GDP rising from $800 in 2000 to nearly $4,000 in 2018. However, this has come at a cost, with unsustainable levels of resource extraction, a surge in motor vehicle traffic and heavy reliance on coal-burning, which contributes to air pollution-related diseases suffered by nearly 60% of Jakarta residents. Sustainable development in Indonesia will require a low-carbon pathway that can drive growth while enhancing health, welfare, and climate resilience.



LCDI报告,政府于2019年3月启动,碳开发低:范式向印度尼西亚的绿色经济转变,发现印度尼西亚的可持续性,包容性的增长道路可以在2045年平均每年增加6%的GDP增长,并且与往常相比,创造了超过1500万个额外的绿色和更高薪水的工作,使极端贫困减半,并节省一半40,000 lives annually from reduced air and water pollution – all while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 43 percent by 2030, exceeding Indonesia’s current international target. NCE and WRI Indonesia also helped inform the development planning process by supporting BAPPENAS, the prominent LCDI Commissioners and NCE’s Global Commissioners in extensive communications and engagement around the LCDI report.


2020年1月,印度尼西亚发布了有史以来的第一个可持续发展计划RPJMN 2020-2024,其中包括减少温室气体排放作为关键的宏观经济指标,以及GDP增长,减少贫困和就业。LCDI的努力帮助将政府某些关键部分的观点转移到将气候行动和增长视为权衡的情况下,并承认气候行动的利益。必威官网是真的吗作为世界上最大的经济体和最高温室气体发射器之一,印度尼西亚对包容性的低碳发展途径的识别正在激励其他国家以此为例。NCE和WRI印度尼西亚现在正在支持政府增加全国LCDI的跨部门实施。