
在这个播客,WRI总统Ani Dasgupta解释了这些故事背后的推理尼古拉斯·沃尔顿。2022年的事件是怎样形成的背景故事吗?我们如何选择这些的吗?和有哪些关键要素看,让我们知道这些故事是如何塑造在2023年及以后?



- - - - - -Ani Dasgupta,世界资源研究所的总裁兼首席执行官必威官网手机版





Ani Dasgupta 0:13




Ani Dasgupta 0:27




Ani Dasgupta一

我认为乌克兰的入侵使全年世界对每个人都更加困难,尤其是对乌克兰人,欧洲,但这些影响影响每个人,在粮食危机、能源危机。所以我认为总的来说,去年尼古拉斯是困难的一年。甚至我们不谈论国家面临经济压力,因为这些事情,已经有通胀压力,甚至在乌克兰。所以总的来说,它是一种困难的,不确定的。和人民,我们所有人,包括所有的人,并不知道这个俄罗斯入侵将去哪里。没人指望它仍然会在现在。但是我想补充说,我认为随着战争的定居,到现在发生了什么,是有一个巨大的担心很多像我这样的人,他们担心我们如何将气候或进展上取得进展,因为全球团结或国家能够一起工作是解决方案的一个重要部分。必威官网是真的吗你知道,一开始,如果你还记得,我们看到了区域化的可能性,沙特阿拉伯已经使事务不是美元计价,印度从俄罗斯购买天然气。这是紧张的多边主义分手。但那样的事没有发生,实际上,在今年年底。 So the question is, when we started thinking about what stories we wanted to tell, we really focused on let's not retell the stories that are already in the headlines. What did happen this year, that was under the headline that actually will make a big difference in the transition story, in the stories that we are and our audiences are interested in? Are we going backwards? Are we going forward? Are we going faster? So stories we chose Nicholas, are those stories that have a movement under the surface that we think will matter, the decisions that were made, that we think - we call them four breakthroughs, the four breakthroughs that were made last year, how would that matter, so that is the tone of this year Stories To Watch.



Ani Dasgupta 18

我想,尼古拉斯,首先,很高兴和你一起工作的故事。我认为这个故事我们最终是一个很好的蒸馏的时刻。这个故事,尼古拉斯,到底说明了什么我说的标题下。我们所有人知道武器化的能量由俄罗斯,完整的破坏发生在乌克兰的能源基础设施,大约40%的能量,对不起,天然气,欧洲依赖在一夜之间消失。我们都知道,对吗?所有的紧张,欧洲并没有足够的能量取暖,今年这个冬天,我们说话。这并没有发生。我认为这个故事我们试图告诉这是正在发生的事情。和中央的故事是,由于这场危机,因为欧洲不得不从其他地方获得天然气,是新能源或依赖天然气将把欧洲向后实现气候目标或可再生能源目标。必威官网是真的吗这是真实的故事。 Is it that not only that will Europe meet its energy demand, which it seems it will, will it all on the longer term target, but that's the story we're trying to tell. And I think we very do a very good job telling and how does this European interventions and policies how does it impact other places in the world? What happens to India, what happens to Nigeria? What happens with China because of this, and it has huge implications, what I think brought this to me, and I think I told you the story, what really irritated me one morning, was in the front page of a paper, I think the New York Times, the Washington Post, I don't know one of the two papers I look at, was the story of a coal plant being reopened in UK. And it's a terrible story, right? You and I will hate the story of a coal plant opening. But that was the headline. And there was no context of what is going on in Europe. And I felt like everyone will read it and feel that Europe is going backwards. And to me the real story is that's not the case, Europe actually is stronger than ever. European countries have more coordinated energy policy because of this crisis. And their ambition has increased of renewable energy. So I felt that we as WRI owe it to the world to tell a story of the longer term and also tell what the fact is in context of overall what's going on. So I'm actually very happy with that story. I don't know how you feel about it. You worked on it, too.



Ani Dasgupta 7:17

你知道,这是一个很有趣的故事中。这是一个故事的原因是发生了两件事。当然,一个是卢拉的选举中,创建了一个希望的涟漪,涟漪的希望和兴奋。因为过去四年在巴西,我们看到的森林砍伐率急剧增加。你知道,我认为世界上每个人都注重谁知道亚马逊森林的重要性。只剩下三个热带森林之一,只有三到六到7%地球陆地的热带森林。实际上很多地球上覆盖着热带森林在地球的中间部分。但是情况并非如此了。所以总是有这个担忧,我们如何知道这是一个问题,但我们还没有能够解决这个问题。如果你记得在去年警察,不是这一个,最后一个在格拉斯哥,140个国家走到一起,说我们将在2030年停止砍伐森林。 Actually, the numbers didn't show that in a year, but that's fine. It just started. But two thing that's happened is Lula's election gives huge hope. And then just after that when we all were in Montreal for the nature COP, tTo everyone's surprise, that particular COP delivered more than people thought when they were working into that car two weeks back, it delivered a 2030/30 goal it delivered a reversal of extinction by 2030. of species. These two things together created this moment of hope. Oh my God, finally we have things in place. And things will reverse I mean, deforestation will reverse. I think the story we will tell there is that hope is great. We are also hopeful and excited. What is it that it will take for this to actually materialise in reversing deforestation? What needs to happen in Brazil? Lula did win election but didn't win a majority in every part of the government. What does he have to do? What does the world need to do? How would finance work? How would commodity trading work to support it, and how ultimately we argue as you know very well, that we have to stop repeating things we have done before, that we actually need a different approach for protecting forests that takes the whole economy of Amazon and other forests into account and have find a solution that's not just better for trees, but better for people who live there. So the standing forest is more valuable to them destroyed forests and grazing land. So I think that is a story, not only story to watch, it's a very important thing that's going to happen to the world. And we all have to fight, not only just wish for its success, but find ways we can help for it to succeed.



Ani Dasgupta 17

你知道,这个故事非常接近我的心。我在世界银行工作,如你所知,这个故事是多年来展开的。这是我们的工作的基础。尼古拉斯,我现在确信所有这些承诺,国家正在进行国防委员会,尤其是我说特别是南半球国家,他们将无法实施,因为资金不流。每个人都做所有这些工作增加野心,把东西写在纸上,将免费在金融不流,我绝对发自内心地关心它。今年我想我们会看到一系列事件的开始这个话题。回答你的问题,是损失和损害和沙姆沙伊赫协议,是临界点?是的,没有。我不认为损失和损害,即使是超级成功将解决所有的问题。这是任何部分。 The yes, part is loss and damage is a very important signal, a very important symbol for solidarity among rich countries and vulnerable and poor countries that we are in it together. That this is the acknowledgement that the suffering that vulnerable countries are facing today from climate related disasters, they didn't cause it, they didn't produce the emissions in the atmosphere that is causing that disruption in the climate. Rich countries did. It's a very symbolic, but a very important point of departure because ultimately finance between countries, or flowing between rich to poor countries, is really not about that much about finance, it's about justice, it's about agreeing that this is how we're going to solve this problem together. So I personally think that's a really good start. As you know very well, there is no money in it right now. That's what's going to happen this year and next, but lots more needs to happen. It's just the tip of the iceberg as we say in the story. That's a good tip. But there's a lot under the water to fix. To get the finance flow, the countries in the Global South need, both from public sector but most importantly from private capital. Because this amount of money that's needed for the transition, it's simply not possible to fund it through public sources. And that's what we focus on in the story.



Ani Dasgupta十三12

我们记得,你和我说过潜在的开创性,这可能是正确的。这个当时的法律,那之后发生了什么,path-breakingness的一个迹象,是大量的资本已经在美国和干净的资本流动的预期从政府补贴。它会释放出整整一代工业投资在这些领域,即使在已经证明如此困难的一年。你知道,记得今年通货膨胀高,利率较高,投资如此困难,但这是非常畅通。已经发生了什么,我看到的是其他国家——尽管有抱怨,正如你所知道的欧盟和美国之间很好,这是贸易保护主义——我个人认为抱怨会消失是因为欧盟和美国一起实际上更接近去年因为乌克兰的共同应对危机,这将解决。但与此同时,欧盟是加倍绿色投资。所以你的问题的答案是,我认为我们已经看到我们希望看到的运动。但是这里发生了一件新事,尼古拉斯,我们专注于一点的故事,是这些是巨大的经济法律。像巨大,前所未有的规模和范围。现在人们担心,包括我们,是能够实现它们。 The permitting process that is needed, the manpower and woman power and people power that's needed to implement them. The materials that are needed to build these things, simply the ability and availability of materials to build solar panels and wind turbines and the transmissions. So it is the question is, interestingly become the ability to implement it. I don't know if you saw it two days back, there was a long front page article in New York Times about the EPA's, which is the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States, their ability to pass the regulation they need to pass to make this law's implement. Just the human capacity, because the article was that how EPA got depleted during Trump administration and how they're finding it really difficult. So think about that, that block, that hurdle of implementation, I don't think I appreciate it as much in the enthusiasm, the euphoria when the laws get passed. But now people are thinking, including us, how will these laws get implemented? And how can we make sure the benefits in laws can have that people actually see it, you know, that we all see and the economy shifts. It's a massive enterprise and I actually think that other countries in the world - and we already see early indication of this - will try to emulate to see how other countries pass laws and investments that kind of shape the economy for the future.



Ani Dasgupta十六



这只是Dasgupta WRI他建议观看2023年的故事。正如前面提到的,你可以看Ani完全展示在我们的网站wri.org。这就是你可以找到所有我们的研究交互式数字工具,事件,见解,文章,当然,我们的后卫播客目录从海洋到城市,森林的食物。现在我是尼古拉斯·沃尔顿,再见。