Rogier Van Den Berg是WRI ROSS可持续城市中心的全球总监,领导WRI的计划着重于更容易获得,公平,健康和韧性的城市。

罗吉尔(Rogier)是一位城市规划和发展专家,拥有超过二十年经验的建筑师和学术。他从2021年到2022年担任代理全球总监,与一个高级董事的过渡团队合作,协调和指导Wri Ross中心的关键决策。他于2020年1月加入城市发展总监,重点关注城市土地使用,气候变化适应,公平发展,城市数据分析等的全球编程。必威官网是真的吗

Previously, he led UN-Habitat’s Urban Lab program, which he set up in 2014. It was created to respond to urban planning demand in cities, and rapidly expanded its scope to become a multidisciplinary urban project and integrated planning facility working in 80 cities globally. Van den Berg led global teams working at the intersection of infrastructure, urban planning, urban resilience, climate change adaptation, technology, recovery and reconstruction, and public space. He has established and implemented development projects and programs together with cities and partners in Europe, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Asia. He was also a founding partner of the architecture and urban planning firm Zandbelt&vandenBerg and served as head of the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture’s Master of Urbanism program.

范登·伯格(Van Den Berg)拥有国际与发展研究所研究生研究所的国际谈判和决策硕士学位,以及代尔夫特技术大学的建筑理学硕士学位。

范登·伯格(Van Den Berg)和他的妻子,两个儿子和女儿一起住在鹿特丹。