

Governments in REDD+ countries are tasked with providing information on how these safeguards will be “addressed and respected.” One option is to develop a national system focused on implementing the safeguards and to provide information on how the system functions. The purpose of this report is to support this process by providing a framework for what a robust national system to implement the REDD+ safeguards would include.



Around the world, members of governments, civil society, and the private sector are grappling with how to design and implement initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions by slowing, halting, and reversing forest loss. These efforts have been spurred at least in part by the agreements onlong-term cooperative action (LCA) that Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have made since 2007 in Bali, Cancun, and Durban. In these agreements, Parties stated that reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, and sustainable management of forests in developing countries should be recognized as mitigation actions. Parties also agreed that these actions should be at least partially supported by Annex 1 countries. This series of actions, and the related global mechanism for recognizing and supporting them, comprise the global initiative known as REDD+.


但是,为了为森林的可持续管理做出贡献,需要有效,公平,可持续地实施REDD+行动。在坎昆的2010年联合国联合会大会(COP)中,当事方认识到善治在成功实施REDD+行动方面的重要性。必威官网亚洲体育双方同意了七个联合国REDD+保障措施,其中包括透明度,参与,保护生物多样性和保护当地人民权利。如果正确实施,UNFCCC REDD+保障措施可以帮助确保REDD+不会通过加剧现有的不平等而无意中损害社区和生态系统。

UNFCCC REDD+保障措施提供了广泛的指导原则。现在,由那些设计,资金和实施REDD+计划来确定应如何实践这些原则的人。一种选择是在国家一级建立一个系统。实施UNFCCC REDD+保障措施的国家系统为加强目前管理森林土地的规则和机构带来了机会。但是,这些机会带来了挑战,将需要平衡不同的成本和收益。本报告阐述了一个框架,以帮助Redd+国家开发一个国家系统来实施UNFCCC REDD+保障措施。此处介绍的框架没有提供现成的解决方案,但它确实提供了一个路线图,用于导航在国家系统的设计和实施过程中可能出现的一些选择。该报告还提供了有关巴西,印度尼西亚和墨西哥如何沿这条路发展的例子。

A Framework for Designing a National System

The framework laid out in this report comprises four components: goals, functions, rules, and institutions. Safeguard goals define what the safeguards are meant to achieve. Safeguard functions are the processes by which those goals are achieved. A complete safeguard system supports each goal by:

  • anticipating与民族和/或次级REDD+行动相关的潜在风险和机会,例如REDD+策略,活动和项目;

  • 规划通过解决REDD+行动的设计中的社会和环境考虑,避免伤害并为生态系统和人员带来利益;

  • managingREDD+行动通过实施保障计划和程序,以帮助确保所需的社会和环境目标;

  • 监视REDD+流程和结果,以展示目标实现,进行课程校正并处理意外影响;和

  • 回应与REDD+行动的社会和/或环境影响有关的问题和不满。



If a REDD+ country chooses to develop a national system, the UNFCCC REDD+ safeguards provide an initial set of goals for that system. Governments, in collaboration with stakeholders, can add to these goals to meet national needs. They will then need to define how their established goals should be implemented. This task will necessitate defining the rules and institutions responsible for ensuring that all functions of the system are met, including everything from anticipating risks to responding if something needs to be changed.


Many options are available to fill any gaps identified—in some cases, assessments may show that reforming existing rules, or empowering and strengthening existing institutions, may be the best solution. Alternately, new rules and institutions may need to be developed. Under that scenario, new national laws or policies could be created, new regulations put in place, or new procedures instituted by government agencies. Rules can be specific to REDD+ or apply more broadly. In terms of institutions, new government agencies or new positions within existing agencies could be created, or new responsibilities could be given to nongovernmental or private actors. Responsibility for implementing several of the functions of the safeguard system can be consolidated with one body, or spread out across multiple institutions.

Choices related to rules and institutions come with different sets of costs and benefits. For example, putting in place a new law may provide more long-term stability and greater buy-in from multiple sectors. However, new laws can take time to be approved or require a level of political support in the legislature that does not exist. Consolidating responsibility with one agency can help ensure effectiveness by reducing the need for coordination between agencies, but it may place too heavy a burden on one player and reduce the political buy-in often obtained by having multiple government agencies involved.

正确选择实施UNFCCC REDD+保障措施的规则和机构将取决于一个国家的情况,并且可能会随着时间的流逝而改变。以透明和参与的方式对选项进行战略性评估可以帮助参与者更好地利用资源并计划未来。

