系统更改实验室has established a new partnership with国际保护区(CI),由全球环境设施(GEF),要开发一个集中的跟踪平台,在该平台中定期监视跨系统的转换,从而为朝着必要的过渡提供了第一个完整的图片。这项新的倡议旨在使决策者能够加速必要的变革变革,例如我们如何为行业,建立城市,管理社会和保护自然而进行动力。


During this two-year project, Systems Change Lab aims to track and accelerate transformational change across systems, including power, transport, the built environment, industry, land use, agriculture, and management of the world’s freshwater and ocean. Cross-cutting transformations of economic and social systems will focus on how the world measures economic well-being, delivers basic services, sustainably produces and consumes goods, equitably distributes the costs and benefits of change, finances these transformations and governs the global commons.


系统更改实验室will also create enabling environments to support the scaling up and mainstreaming of sustainable land management by translating the necessary transformations into actionable targets. Tracking these targets and other drivers of change will then equip decision-makers with key information.


System Change Lab’s data platform serves as a virtual situation room for the world’s fight against climate change, biodiversity loss and inequity. Alongside partners and stakeholders, the project will accelerate crucial systems change and thus, create a better world for all.



Systems Change Lab是世界资源研究所和Bezos Earth Fund召集的一项合作计划。必威官网手机版系统变更实验室支持联合国气候变化的高级冠军,并与关键合作伙伴和资助者合必威官网是真的吗作,包括气候行动跟踪器(新闻社会和气候分析的项目),气候工作基金会,全球环境设施,仅仅是气候,可能的使任务伙伴关系,Systemiq,Systemiq, the University of Exeter and the University of Tokyo’s Center for Global Commons, among others. Systems Change Lab is a component of the Global Commons Alliance.


The Global Environment Facility is the world’s largest funder of biodiversity protection, nature restoration, climate change response, and pollution reduction in developing countries. It finances international environmental conventions and country-driven initiatives that generate global benefits. The GEF partnership connects 184 member governments with civil society, Indigenous Peoples, and the private sector, and works closely with other environmental financiers for efficiency and impact. To date, the GEF has provided more than $22 billion in grants and blended finance and mobilized another $120 billion in co-financing for more than 5,000 national and regional projects, plus 27,000 community ventures through its Small Grants Programme.


保护国际保护自然是为人类的利益。通过科学,政策,现场工作和金融,我们聚焦并确保了气候,生物多样性和人民自然界中最重要的地方。必威官网是真的吗在30个国家 /地区设有办事处,在100多个国家 /地区,国际保护区与政府,公司,民间社会,土著人民和地方社区合作,以帮助人们和自然共同繁荣发展。请访问Conservation.org,以获取更多信息,然后遵循我们在保护新闻,Facebook,Twitter,Tiktok,Instagram和YouTube方面的工作。