绿色新政的出现激发了前所未有的行动主义和lively辩论about the future of climate action in Congress and the relationship between climate policy and a broader economic and social equity agenda. So far, it’s only been talk, since the Green New Deal’s explicit goal is to set the stage for bold legislation next year – although many members of Congress want to make some headway this year. That hasn’t stopped states and cities from taking bold climate action now.

WRI及其合作伙伴的分析美国的承诺showed that implementing commitments made by states, cities and companies by mid-2018 would help reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 17% by 2025 without any new action in Washington. WRI also found that deeper, broader subnational action could cut emissions by 24%, which is within striking distance of the target the United States set under the Paris Agreement on climate change.

美国气候联必威官网是真的吗盟, a group of states committed to implementing policies that meet the Paris Agreement goals, now includes 23 governors representing more than half of the U.S. population and nearly 60% of U.S. GDP. A growing number of states have set ambitious clean electricity targets, such as having 50% of their electricity come from renewable sources by 2030 and 100% by 2050. Many states have also committed to adopting other climate solutions, such aslimiting the use of hydrofluorocarbon super-pollutantsand joining regional programs to cap and reduce emissions from发电厂运输部门

在市政一级,已选择25个城市参加彭博慈善事业美国城市气候挑战必威官网是真的吗(of which WRI is a partner) and will receive cutting-edge support to help cut energy waste, supply cities with renewable electricity, electrify their bus fleets and take other steps to meet near-term climate pollution reduction goals.



三月份,一年级州长米歇尔·卢扬·格里舍姆(Michelle Lujan Grisham)signed the Energy Transition Act (S.B. 489) into law。这new policy ratchets up New Mexico’s current Renewable Portfolio Standard (20% by 2020) to mandate 50% renewable energy by 2030 and 80% by 2040. It also calls for 100% carbon-free electricity by 2045 in the state, which is one of the largest oil and gas producers in the country. Legislators made it a priority to support communities as they shift away from dependence on fossil fuels toward low-carbon energy. The law allocates up to $20 million in severance and job training to aid displaced fossil fuel workers from each retiring plant and $30 million for plant decommissioning and mine reclamation. It also tackles expected tax revenue declines in areas with plant shutdowns by requiring that replacement clean power be generated in the same school district as the old plants.


马里兰州议员批准了清洁能源工作法经过否决权边缘in both the General Assembly and state Senate. It will likely become law with or without Gov. Larry Hogan’s signature, though signing it would elevate his climate credentials (he vetoed a similar measure in 2016). The act boosts Maryland’s Renewable Portfolio Standard to 50% by 2030 (up from 25% by 2020), including a requirement that 14.5% of power come from solar generation. It also mandates that the state examine pathways for 100% clean energy by 2040. Additional measures include incentives for 1.2 gigawatts of offshore wind energy, $15 million in training for clean energy jobs in economically-distressed areas, and a Strategic Energy Investment Fund which dedicates money to clean energy businesses owned by women, veterans and members of minority groups. The new policycould lead在接下来的十年中,有20,000个新的太阳能工作和5,500个新工作机会。


On April 11, the Washington state House of Representatives followed the state Senate’s lead in passing立法到2030年,该州的碳中性销售额为100%,到2045年从无碳资源发电。该法案还要求到2025年的煤炭发电量,其中包括一些innovative provisionsto align utility interests with the public interest in clean and equitable energy services. Building on Washington state’s massive hydroelectric resources, the state is already75%到目标。尽管如此,华盛顿仍必须驱逐天然气的使用,并取决于蒙大拿州和怀俄明州进口的煤炭进口。在参议院和解之后,该法案向州长杰伊·伊斯利(Jay Inslee)提出。如果正如预期的那样,Inslee将其签署为法律,华盛顿将加入夏威夷,加利福尼亚和新墨西哥州,他们还颁布了立法来实施100%的清洁能源目标。


More than 18 months after Hurricane Maria pummeled Puerto Rico in September 2017, causing the longest power blackout in U.S. history, the island’s electricity system remains expensive, fragile and polluting, since it relies on oil- and coal-fired electricity generators and long-distance transmission lines over hard-to-reach mountainous areas. On April 11, Governor Ricardo Rosselló Nevares签署了一项法案建立一个由波多黎各丰富可再生资源提供支持的干净,弹性的电力系统。这new law calls for 40% of the U.S. territory’s electricity to come from renewable sources by 2025 and 100% by 2050. These ambitious targets will drive some of the fastest development of renewable energy in the United States, since only a tiny share of Puerto Rico’s electricity comes from renewable sources today. It also aims to make the island more resilient to future storms, through a series of interconnected microgrids supported by localized storage that would reduce reliance on long-distance transmission. That makes sense, since scientists found that climate change already makes storms as intense as Hurricane Maria五倍


2月,洛杉矶市长埃里克·加塞蒂(Eric Garcetti)宣布that the city would not refurbish three natural gas-fired power plants, but will instead shift to better align with California’s recent pledge for 100% carbon-neutrality by 2045. Los Angeles is poised to ramp up investment in wind, solar and battery storage, while retiring the natural gas facilities by 2029. Just last week, the city’s Department of Transportation (DOT) opened a new solar panel-clad facility for充电和维护它不断增长的电动巴士舰队。初级城市公交车运营商La Dot和La Metro都致力于到2030年之前零排放巴士。洛杉矶正在获得支持,以实现这些和其他排放的目标。美国城市气候挑战必威官网是真的吗。


奥兰多的另一个美国城市气候挑战赛冠军必威官网是真的吗过渡其市政车队to 100% “advanced fuel” vehicles by 2030 and introduced its第一电动工作卡车今年。在气候挑战赛的帮助下,奥兰多(Orland必威官网是真的吗omost highly-visited city在该国,这些努力可以帮助将数千名美国人介绍给电动汽车Drive Electric Orlando,与该市的租车代理商一起提供电池供电的车辆的非营利组织。许多租用电动汽车的游客将前往沃尔特迪斯尼世界度假村50兆瓦太阳能项目to power two of its four theme parks.

Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City avoided the most damaging impacts ofunprecedented spring flooding这袭击了其他密苏里河谷社区,主要是因为在1993年灾难性的大洪水之后安装了广泛的堤防系统。尽管如不断增长的洪水威胁。这些新adaptive efforts随着今年的纽约市批准了一项具有里程碑意义的措施,以限制其对气候变化的贡献。必威官网是真的吗市议会一致投票,以确保到2020年无碳资源生产所有市政电力,并增加了新的电动汽车和能源效率目标。该市与公用事业公司堪萨斯城Power&Light合作,该公司同意建造一个风电场来支持目标。