




Trees and forests are essential to cities and their residents, providing many benefits for climate, water, biodiversity, resident health and well-being. However, forests near and far from cities continue to face deforestation, threatening watersheds, air quality, the climate and more. At the same time, city leaders struggle to address converging challenges like climate change, water scarcity, pollution and economic downturns. These are not separate challenges: cities can step up for forests, and forests can provide essential benefits in return.

城市4forestis a coalition of more than 60 city agencies and municipalities, including partners from eight African cities. The coalition encourages peer-to-peer learning and connects cities with technical support to help them recognize their interdependence with the world’s forests and use their political, economic and cultural power to protect and manage forests for human well-being.



Rapidly urbanizing regions in low- and middle-income countries are at the frontlines of a growing air pollution and climate crisis. Nine out of ten people breathe unhealthy air, causing more than six million premature deaths every year. Many fossil fuel, combustion, industrial and agricultural emissions that create air pollution are also warming the atmosphere, threatening even more livelihoods globally.

The Clean Air Catalyst is a global consortium of organizations that complements traditional efforts to strengthen air quality management capacity. The project achieves this by tackling two critical bottlenecks that hinder clean air action: the gap between recognizing a problem and awareness of the solution; and the often-high cost of reducing emissions, with is unevenly distributed alongside the benefits of action.

Learn more about the Clean Air Catalyst





在非洲建造弹性城市是一个旨在支持未支持的项目Race to Resilience由高级气候冠军领导的竞选活动。必威官网是真的吗该项目将通过利用WRI计划和全球计划的课程(如1000 Cities Now Adapt(1000Can),WRI WRI,WRI,全球适应性,弹性城市网络和联合国联合国全球中心之间的新联盟(1000 CONITION),通过利用WRI计划和全球计划的课程来巩固非洲优先事项,以塑造COP的弹性议程。- 为加快1000个城市的气候变化适应而创建的居民。必威官网是真的吗



Digital Transport4africa(DT4A)代表着一个大型的,多样化的参与者网络,致力于建立数字共享并应用数字发展原则达到可持续城市流动性和通道的目标。DT4A通过利用标准化数据来实现这一目标;提供专业知识和工具,以使当前的运输,土地使用和数据适应非洲背景;收集证据以支持数据信息的流动计划和实施;并培养创新以促进开放运输数据的使用。

了解有关Digital Transport4africa的更多信息










This project aims to strengthen the capacity of governments to prioritize and allocate resources to NMT infrastructure by introducing relevant policies and enhancing engagement between policymakers and groups representing vulnerable citizens.



The new Data Hub for the city of亚的斯亚贝巴(埃塞俄比亚首都, which WRI is currently developing, will address these challenges by providing data and analysis to inform decision making in transport and land use planning. The Data Hub is designed to help the city advance at least two strategic interventions in its非机动运输策略与亚的斯亚贝巴总体规划保持一致。


Although in most African cities governments are responsible for the regulation of public transport, services are largely provided by the informal and, to a small extent, formal private sector. The regulatory environment for the transport sector is often unclear and difficult to navigate, making impact investment difficult.

3IM项目由WRI实施乌干达坎帕拉with the financial support of the Shell Foundation. Informal transport is dominant in Kampala with privately operated minibuses (locally called taxis or matatus) and motorcycle taxis (boda bodas) providing an estimated 70% of all motorized trips in Kampala with minimal government oversight. Through the 3iM project, WRI supports Kampala city in the development of policies and regulations to improve investment in the transport sector, enhance coordination between the private and public support for better provision of transport services, and raise awareness of the enterprises’ market and institutional barriers and net impacts — both positive and negative.