2020年,公共汽车组成roughly 7%全球运输排放。电动巴士可以开拓新时代的新时代,更清洁,更容易进入的城市运输。但是,采用率的加速不足以使全球温度升高到2度以下电子班级采用研究揭示了采用的六个关键障碍:缺乏运营知识,技术局限性,僵化的采购实践,不可估计的融资,机构限制和试点瘫痪。

TUMI E-BUS任务正在与六个全球合作伙伴合作,以极大地推动全球南部主要城市的电力巴士采用。该任务是采取气候友好运输(ACT)倡议必威官网是真的吗的行动and变革性的城市流动性倡议(Tumi),一项针对可持续流动性的实施计划,并得到BMZ的支持。

该计划与20个有针对性的“深水潜水”城市和大规模扩展与至少500个城市通过城市至城市指导计划紧密合作,以促进大规模变革。全球和地方合作伙伴关系将为参与的城市提供深厚的技术援助,以创造本地势头,推动国家和境界活动以克服电子车的采用障碍。这些活动将有助于采用超过100,000个电子公交车,这将导致在公共汽车的使用寿命中估计减少了15兆座的二氧化碳。TUMI E-BUS项目开发的生态系统平台也将用于将来以将来应用于其他类型的运输电气化。

Tumi e-Bus任务在三个领域工作:

1. Coalition Building

WRI支持我们的合作伙伴发展和加强全球,国家,地区和地方联盟。在全球范围内,TUMI E-BUS任务要求广泛的利益相关者联盟应对E BUS采用的挑战。在区域和城市层面,WRI国际办公室和合作伙伴建立了“子殖民地”,以向城市提供本地相关的支持并发展主要利益相关者之间的能力。

2. Deep Technical Assistance

WRI helps define e-bus adoption targets that are timebound, ambitious, and achievable in each city. To help cities achieve these targets, WRI and its partners are developing a tailored implementation work plan for each city. Regional and local partners will lead efforts to implement these work plans through formal adoption in cities, as well as by providing a range of technical assistance and evaluating city progress.


To scale e-bus adoption, WRI will extend best practices to at least 500 “mentee” cities over the course of the project. WRI and partners will work with the 20 deep dive cities to disseminate technical assistance, trainings, and workshops to the mentee cities located in their regions. These materials explore overall planning for e-bus mass adoption, operations and logistics considerations, financing, procurement strategies, and training requirements for bus operators and maintenance teams.

TUMI E-Bus Mission projects map
Source: https://www.transformative-mobility.org/campaigns/tumi-e-bus-mission

Cover image credit: Daniel Cano Gomez/WRI