Sustainable water resources management is essential to socioeconomic development, improved livelihoods, and resilience to climate change. As one of the fastest growing economies in Africa and second most populous country, Ethiopia is pursuing ambitious development strategies to become a low-middle income country by 2025, with increased investment in hydropower, irrigation, and water supply expansion. Although Ethiopia is known as the “Water Tower of Africa,” the country’s water resources are unevenly distributed, and drought and water scarcity are recurring challenges. WRI finds many of the country’s twelve river basins are water stressed and nearly 25% (27 million) of the population live in areas of high water stress. Growing water demands, climate change, and watershed degradation are intensifying pressures on the country’s natural resources and threaten to exacerbate water insecurity.



In line with WRI’s overall mission and WRI Africa’s strategic pillars, the Water Program in Ethiopia works to advance sustainable water resources management by:

  1. Analyzing and managing water risk
  2. Promoting the role of nature-based solutions for water and healthy watersheds
  3. 驾驶增加了城市水的弹性


水Risk Modeling and Mapping

Managing water use across sectors and enhancing water governance requires accessible, transparent data. WRI is enhancing available data on water and climate in Ethiopia and working to integrate water into planning processes within and across sectors.WRI开发了一个模型to assess Ethiopia’s water supply and sectoral water demand as well as current and projected water risk based on growth and climate change. We are enhancing institutional capacity within the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MoWIE) and the Planning and Development Commission (PDC) to assess and manage rising water and climate constraints to growth and development and integrate these considerations into development planning processes.


保护自然生态系统和保护分水岭的健康对于确保长期供水至关重要。基于自然的水解决方案(例如流域造林,土壤和节水措施)可以通过减少侵蚀,洪水以及改善水质和可用性来改善水的数量,时机和可靠性。WRI正在与Abbay Basin Development和其他合作伙伴合作promote integrated water resources management and watershed conservationin the Tana sub-basin to address land degradation and water and food insecurity.

Supporting Urban Water Resilience

为了在快速城市化的背景下减少与水相关的脆弱性,WRI和合作伙伴正在与六个非洲城市合作,以克服缺水,洪水和流域降级的挑战,这是通过土地使用计划,城市区域合作,多利益利益的行动计划,多方利益持有人的行动计划,和有针对性的财务。Wri的Urban Water Resilience in Africa initiative致力于提高对城市水挑战的理解,促进适应道路,并使城市利益相关者能够分享经验。通过这项倡议,WRI正在支持埃塞俄比亚的亚的斯亚贝巴和可怕的达瓦。通过Cities4Forests initiative, WRI is also working with Addis Ababa’s River Basins and Green Areas Development and Administration Agency, Gulele Botanic Garden, Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute, and the Mayor’s office to build capacity in planning, implementation, and monitoring of urban green spaces and forests in nearby watersheds. Cities4Forests is developing a toolkit of nature-based solutions that address heat and water risks in Addis Ababa.