建筑建设和运营是气候变化的最大贡献者,占与能源有关的CO的近40%必威官网是真的吗2emissions globally. The global building stock is set to double by 2060 due to population growth and urbanization, which could further contribute to a warming world. Without dramatic energy efficiency improvements and energy decarbonization, projected energy demand from buildings will continue to drive massive absolute increases in carbon emissions.

Paradoxically, buildings are also the biggest, most cost-effective climate mitigation solution available. Every $1 invested in efficiency saves $2 in new electricity generation and distribution costs. Despite their extraordinary potential, 80% of economically viable energy savings in buildings remain untapped. To meet carbon reduction and resilience goals, the world’s building stock must reach net zero by 2050.

零碳建筑加速器以WRI的成功为基础Building Efficiency Accelerator(BEA) to bring new ambition and build on the lessons, expertise and resources of the BEA with a broader mandate to support decarbonizing the world’s buildings by 2050.










At the subnational level, the Zero Carbon Building Accelerator and participating ministries will engage jurisdictions in Colombia, Türkiye and additional countries to develop and implement action plans aligned with national roadmaps. These plans will build on existing city goals and priorities.


Lessons learned in developing roadmaps, action plans, policies and programs at the national and subnational level will inform scalable, replicable pathways for ambitious climate action in the building sector.

照片来源:Andrewglaser/Wikimedia Commons