KATOWICE, POLAND (June 29, 2022)— World Resources Institute announced five projects as finalists for the 2021-2022 WRI Ross Center Prize for Cities today at the 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice, Poland. The Prize for Cities is WRI’s urban transformation award, recognizing the leaders creating more sustainable and inclusive cities worldwide.

这个周期的主题是“在动荡的时期一起蓬勃发展”,邀请了提交的意见,证明了城市如何应对不确定性,破坏和危机。在65个国家 /地区的155个城市申请中,申请人池在响应日益动荡的世界时表现出巨大的动力,承诺和创造力。

Through the Prize, WRI seeks to inspire urban changemakers across the globe by elevating trailblazing initiatives, telling impactful stories of sustainable urban transformation, and creating a network of changemakers.

“The Prize is something very special because it offers a barometer of the challenges cities are facing and then unearths the most impactful and innovative responses,” saidAni Dasgupta,WRI的总裁兼首席执行官。“它认识到了大规模工作的最佳想法,并庆祝人们和地方的变化。通过保持典范的领导,它鼓励全球城市社区在自己的城市中努力卓越。”

“对于2021 - 2021年的周期,我们挑战人们即使在前所未有的不确定性和破坏时期也可以产生巨大的积极变化。”Anne Maassen,全球奖项。“决赛入围者应对一系列挑战 - 自然灾害,气候和公共卫生紧急情况,陷入困境的流动系统和住房危机。必威官网是真的吗他们取消了受益人的万花筒,包括城市穷人,妇女,儿童,跨性别者,移民和非正式工人,并帮助他们的城市变得更有弹性,包容和更好地准备以承受将来的冲击。”


  • Todos Al Parque(Barranquilla, Colombia): Barranquilla’s citywide urban parks project, led by the mayor’s office, is reversing decades of decline and insecurity by creating safe and healthy greenspaces for residents in every neighborhood of the city.
  • 伊洛伊洛市的参与性住房和城市发展(菲律宾伊洛伊洛市):在伊洛伊洛市,无家可归的人民联合会和市政府正在从地面上解决复杂的城市住房危机,而没有从其工作和支持系统中撤出社区。
  • The Urban Wage Employment Initiative – MUKTA(Odisha State, India): During India’s COVID-19 lockdown, the Department of Housing and Urban Development of the Government of Odisha State pioneered an innovative mass employment scheme in cities for migrants, informal workers and the urban poor that created climate-sensitive infrastructure and has now been replicated by other Indian states at a massive scale.
  • The 15-Minute City(Paris, France): The Mayor of Paris and Chaire ETI sparked a global movement to tackle car dominance, climate change and urban inequality by creating the “15-minute city;” now more residents have services and amenities at their doorsteps.
  • 祖白沙瓦(Peshawar, Pakistan): TransPeshawar is putting vulnerable people at the center of the city’s new public transit system, unlocking life-changing opportunities for women and children, and thereby creating a safer and healthier city for everyone.

这些出色的决赛选手是通过严格的选择过程选择的。标准包括提交表现出大型创新思想和新颖方法的程度;改变生活对人们的生活,思维方式和行为的影响;以及整个城市的连锁反应。决赛入围者由大型评估团队选中,250,000美元的奖金获得者由independent jury of leaders in urban affairs。四名亚军分别获得25,000美元。大奖获得者将于2022年12月宣布。

Previous grand prize winners have demonstrated the vision, coalition-building and perseverance that are key to sustaining change and amplifying lessons learned. The 2020-2021 grand prize was awarded to Sustainable Food Production for a Resilient Rosario, a far-reaching urban agriculture program from the municipality of Rosario, Argentina. In 2019, the inaugural grand prize was awarded to SARSAI, a program of the non-profit Amend, for its highly impactful and replicable approach to creating safer journeys to school for children in Dar es Salaam and other African cities.


About World Resources Institute

WRI is a global research organization that spans more than 60 countries, with international offices in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and the United States, regional offices in Ethiopia (for Africa) and the Netherlands (for Europe), and program offices in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Our more than 1,000 experts and staff turn big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well-being. More information atwww.365bettiyuzaixian.net

关于WRI ROSS可持续城市中心

WRI ROSS可持续城市中心是世界资源研究所的计划,致力于塑造一个未来的城市,使每个人都更必威官网手机版好地工作。它可以实现更多连接,紧凑和协调的城市。该中心扩大了Embarq网络的运输和城市发展专业知识,以催化其他领域的创新解决方案,包括空气质量,水,建筑物,土地使用和能源。它通过来自巴西,中国,埃塞俄比亚,印度,墨西哥,土耳其和美国的350多名专家的网络将WRI的研究卓越与实地影响相结合,以使世界各地的城市更好为了生活。更多信息www.wrirosscities.org.