新的气候经济(NCE)的核心信息 - 经济增长和必威官网是真的吗气候行动可以而且必须共同发展21世纪的发展 - 已经开始在三大大洲至少四个国家带来真正的变化。



WRI’s Role

自2014年底以来,通过一份重大报告和近30次研究和国家研究发布,并参加了40个国家 /地区的170多个活动,包括与八名国家元首和45多名政府部长的面对面讨论,NCE已开始在中国,哥伦比亚,埃塞俄比亚和印度以及其他国家提供变革。

为了改变公众话语并解锁政治机会,NCE部署了高级的发言人,特别是全球经济和气候委员会成员,向关键国家和媒体的目标受众传达信息。必威官网是真的吗通过借鉴其机构合作伙伴的各种优势,例如城市和土地利用的WRI,中国发展的ODI或在中国的Tsinghua大学和埃塞俄比亚的Edri - NCE可以在特定地区和国家 /地区发展和传播证据基础和信息。与有针对性的研究保持一致的良好沟通和参与度使NCE的知名度不断提高。

As managing partner for the multi-institute partnership that has developed NCE’s work, WRI’s NCE team helps to deliver relevant analyses, management oversight and communications through the global office in Washington and country-targeted support for high-level engagement through international offices in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and Turkey.


In China, NCE partner research on the energy security and air pollution benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions provided evidence that supported China’s plan to peak coal consumption by 2020 and emissions by 2030. In Colombia, after a discussion with President Felipe Calderón, the Chair of the Global Commission, President Juan Manuel Santos instructed his ministers to integrate climate across the country’s five-year economic development plan. Ethiopia is reflecting the NCE approach to urban planning in its next national Growth and Transformation Plan. In India, NCE partners are working on a renewable energy feasibility and financing program with the Ministry of Railways (the largest energy user in India by some counts) following discussions with President Calderón and other Global Commissioners and partners.