
The World Resources Institute’s Sustainability Initiative seeks to align the Institute’s business practices with its mission. Using research and expertise from staff to guide us, WRI is committed to reducing the environmental and social impact of its operations. This report discloses WRI’s 2013-2014 GHG inventory results and discusses sustainability projects completed in the same time period.

Key Findings

GHG emission inventory results

WRI的进步GHG emission reduction goals混合在一起,一些温室气体排放量高。

As WRI moves into the second half of its initial target period (2015–2020), it will review lessons learned and reengage with stakeholders to improve its sustainability strategy and remain relevant to its mission. WRI remains committed to integrating sustainability into its operations and reporting on progress in a transparent manner—“walking the talk.”

Some highlights from the inventory

  • We are making progress in meeting WRI’s electricity target and are 26% closer to achieving the targeted carbon reduction. Much of the reduction can be attributed to sustainable facilities efforts, includingLEED certified renovations at WRI's U.S. and China offices.

  • Business travel carbon has increased by 15.7% from the baseline year; however, emissions per capita have actually reduced since 2010.

  • 购买的商品和服务的温室气体排放量继续以与组织增长相同的速度增长。这种增长的大部分来自增长的合作伙伴关系和子把握物,这是WRI任务的一部分。

Next Steps


To reassess the expansion of WRI’s sustainability work and fully engage WRI’s key stakeholders—staff, partners, and funders— the Sustainability Team will conduct a strategy refresh that draws on lessons learned over the past five years as well as lessons learned from others engaged in operational sustainability. The following sustainability refresh strategy is proposed for WRI:

  • Stakeholder reviews—staff, partners, and funders—to update WRI’s vision of a sustainable nonprofit

  • Update existing targets and set new targets as needed based on stakeholder review and strategy refresh

  • Develop short-term and long-term strategies to achieve WRI’s sustainability goals

  • 开发指标以跟踪成功并整合成功