
In the U.S., the scale and urgency of the climate crisis requires that each level of government — federal, state and local — fully bring their strengths to the table. The possibility of eventual federal reengagement on climate policy puts in question the future roles of state and local governments in carrying out such policies. To take a closer look at which strengths these levels of government can leverage, WRI convened a group of thought leaders among current and former U.S. federal, state and local government officials for a recurring dialogue. Together, they laid out a vision for what climate action could look like at all levels of government and agreed upon a set of “Principles for a New Climate Federalism.” This paper sets out the context and findings of the dialogue discussions, and proposes a working federalism framework to delineate roles within a future federal climate policy.


  • 雄心勃勃的联邦行动对于应对气候挑战是必要的。必威官网是真的吗此外,鉴于气候变化挑战的紧迫性和规模,政府的各个层面(法医,州和地方)必须成为解决方案的一部分。必威官网是真的吗
  • 各个级别的政策都应为所有美国人,尤其是对颜色和低收入社区的社区造成的公平和更健康的成果。
  • 先发制人应该很少见。联邦政府的行动应促进州和地方政府的雄心勃勃的行动,旨在通过反映针对国家特定情况的策略来推动更多的温室气体排放。同样,州政府应启动和不阻碍地方政府更雄心勃勃的行动。
  • 实现全国法规一致性的最佳方法是建立足够雄心勃勃的联邦标准,以应对气候挑战,同时保留州和地方政府采取更雄心勃勃的行动并采用反映地方和区域条件的合规策略的能力必威官网是真的吗。 
  • 州和地方政府是“民主实验室”的关键作用,可以帮助开拓新的解决方案和刺激市场发展,以此有助于随着时间的推移实现更多雄心勃勃的联邦政策。联邦政府应向州和地方政府学习并参与,并在适当的情况下在国家一级复制成功的政策。
  • A strong federal role is clearly necessary and appropriate in certain areas. For example, the federal government should establish national emission reduction targets consistent with science; engage the international community to ensure sufficient international action to meet the climate change challenge; support continued research, development and demonstration of technologies that will underpin decarbonization and position U.S. industry for leadership in the global low-carbon economy; provide funding and technical support for subnational efforts; maintain an emissions registry and require adequate and comparable emissions measurement, monitoring, reporting and verification across the economy; and take steps to decarbonize the federal government’s own operations.
  • A strong subnational role is clearly necessary and appropriate in other areas of action. For example, subnational governments are typically in the best position to: implement local land-use planning and zoning decisions; implement local transportation solutions (with the support of federal funding); carry out infrastructure resilience planning and implementation; and allocate funding to address climate change in an equitable manner.
  • 在绝大多数情况下,各级政府的能源和气候行动的协作方法将最有效。必威官网是真的吗需要协作方法的程序的示例是:清洁能源标准;碳定价计划;和零排放车辆标准。
  • 联邦政府拥有大量的财务和技术资源,因此应该寻找机会作为催化剂,以促进所有美国人的公平成果的方式推动州和地方行动。

