




-Ani Dasgupta世界资源研究所总裁兼首席执行官必威官网手机版





Ani Dasgupta 0:20




Ani Dasgupta 1:18




Ani Dasgupta 2时38分

我想在美国之外,过去两周还没有关于美国的影响的文章,40%的削减,你们一定都看到了。我认为它会从三个方面影响世界。其一是美国在全球气候行动中的领导作用。必威官网是真的吗美国在激励,增加动力,增加资金,让各国团结在一起方面扮演着非常重要的角色,在巴黎之前,在巴黎之后,甚至在去年的格拉斯哥,美国都做了这些。鉴于他们的国内议程现在有了势头,这将为美国将各国团结在一起提供助力。我无法形容这有多重要。因为你很清楚,即使是富裕国家,20国集团,甚至他们和其他国家一起,他们迄今所做的承诺,也没有达到1.5摄氏度。所以我们更需要雄心壮志。需要资金来确保这些国家将这些雄心壮志实际转化为成果。第一,它将为美国的领导提供动力,我认为这是非常必要的,美国在世界气候外交中发挥了非常重要的积极作用。必威官网是真的吗 And I think that will continue. The second, I think it's kind of interesting, because United States is such a big economy, the technological shifts that are invested in this... So let's take example, automobile, for example, or batteries, that the investment that will make electric automobile much more accelerated, the sale and use of it, that creates this momentum to drive down prices, as we have seen in solar, for example, or hydrogen or carbon capture. Those price decreases and technological innovation is actually a commodity and then will be important for the world. So the world will benefit. Because it is such a big market, if prices of batteries came down, or price of cars came down. So there's a very big spill over effect of the technological innovation the US will invest on. And the third more important thing is that this particular bill actually invests in specific things to move the economy from where it is to a much more greener economy. So this whole thing we've all been talking about, to transitioning the economy, the investment it makes on energy, on technologies, even food systems — there's I think, 60 million billion dollars, I might get the number wrong — those investments actually show how do you transition economy. I think every country in the world and where you live, Nicholas, the EU has tried to do the same thing actually, in their own planning, that these two major economies actually showing the world, what kind of investments you need to make to transition economy, I think is a huge lesson. We at WRI are very much focused on that, because we want to get this learning from early movers here to the countries across the world. So this is a lesson that India would need, South Africa would need, China would need. So I think these are three ways this bill, though this is domestic, though this is United States, will impact the world



Ani Dasgupta 6:01

嗯,当然。我是说,想想看。它不叫气候法案。必威官网是真的吗它被称为通货膨胀削减法案,IRA,因为这是现实,对吧?现实是,你如何让经济复苏?其中一个有趣的条款是你刚刚提出的观点,得到政策并确保它广泛影响和影响更多的人。所以对电动汽车的批评是,只有中产阶级才会买新车,你只是补贴新车,而且也很贵。其中一个想法就是如何降低价格?你们怎样才能进一步降低价格呢?但是现在有一个条款也适用于二手车的税率。 Because most lower income people buy used cars. You know, these shifts are taking place, and we all are learning, how do you make these climate goals that is politically right and actually benefits most people? Because ultimately, this has to benefit more people, if you want wide adoption of such policy. So you're absolutely right, I think we are learning, I think we are learning from the EU policy and how what will happen to the EU, we will learn from United States. And this far reaching economic shift, Nicholas, every economy in the world, rich or poor, has to go through the shift. So as a large economy like the United States embraces this, we learn a lot and encourage others to embrace the same.



Ani Dasgupta 23

这是一个非常有趣的问题。我认为我提出的关于经济转型的三点,学习转型,所有这些都与世界上最贫穷的国家有关。但最贫穷和最脆弱的国家实际上还有另一个问题。另一个问题是资金,要有资源来支持转型。其中一些国家债台高筑,在融资方面缺乏足够的灵活性。我认为这是一个好消息,美国在国内议程上确实有动力。但现在,美国政府和国会必须专注于他们的承诺,全球议程,并使他们成为全球转移财政的领导者。我认为,拜登总统承诺在不同的领域提供大约115亿美元,支持过渡,支持实现每年1000亿美元的目标。这些都是美国现在必须要做的事情。我希望它能尽快实现。 That will not only provide the momentum that the United States, the IRA provides, but also provide the momentum in getting the finances which the vulnerable countries most absolutely need. And I think the next, just if I can connect this question to the next COP, you know, this idea of solidarity that countries are together to move, the shift, and the richer countries are going to keep the commitment to finance this transition, as they have already committed. This is the shift the next step for doing United States leadership. And we are all hoping that that will come sooner than later.

