最近在同一阶段,两名城市发展领导人聚集在一起:吉姆·杨(Jim Yong Kim)博士和市长迈克尔·彭博(Michael Bloomberg)。

金金(Kim)是世界银行总裁,纽约市市长彭博社(Bloomberg)的标题为转型交通会议, an event co-organized by the World Bank andWRI的EMBARQ可持续运输中心。Through a discussion moderated by Zanny Minton Beddoes, an editor atThe Economist,由WRI总统关闭,Dr. Andrew Steer, Kim and Bloomberg took on the meaty topic of how to shape the城市运输的未来



正如金和彭博社指出的那样,世界正在不可持续地移动。大约130万人die every yearas a result of traffic accidents. In most cities, motorized transport is responsible for 80 percent of local air pollution. And with 70 percent of the world’s population expected to live in cities by 2050, these urban problems are likely to worsen.因此,现在是一个特别关键的时刻discussing sustainable transport。Steer说:“如果正确地获得绿色运输,就在经济学,环境和人类健康和福祉方面,它就会为自己支付。”“这是一场出色的双赢。”

How to “get it right,” though, is a heavy question—one without clear answers. Kim and Bloomberg put forth a few ideas during today’s discussion.

4 Ways to Scale Up Sustainable Transportation

1) Educate the Public

帮助公众了解可持续运输如何使他们受益至关重要,这对于建立对地铁系统的支持,bus rapid transit (BRT)彭博社说,,自行车道和其他基础设施。他分享了纽约的一个例子,纽约是一个城市,其温室气体排放量是全国平均水平的一半。该市将儿童哮喘发作的位置绘制了地点,发现大多数人与主要道路和州际公路的位置保持一致。这项工作以一种非常视觉,令人信服的方式表明了步行,骑自行车和进行公共交通优势的好处。

2) Rethink Roads

“Roads are designed to move people—they’re not necessarily designed to move automobiles,” said Bloomberg. “So you might want to use your roads for other methods of transportation.”

Bloomberg did just that in New York, transforming the main thoroughfare through Manhattan—from Times Square to Herald Square—into pedestrian walkways. While car advocates complained at first, the move ended up benefiting the local economy. According to Bloomberg, the walkways serve as a tourist attraction and boost traffic to stores in the area.

L-R: Rachel Kyte (World Bank), Dr. Jim Yong Kim (World Bank), Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Dr. Andrew Steer (WRI). Photo credit: Ryan Rayburn/World Bank
L-R: Rachel Kyte (World Bank), Dr. Jim Yong Kim (World Bank), Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Dr. Andrew Steer (WRI). Photo credit: Ryan Rayburn/World Bank



The World Bank is currently working with China’s incoming leadership to evaluate transport innovations in the country and in other nations. Kim said the Bank will then use this analysis to recommend a path forward.

4) Share Knowledge

城市 - 比各州或国家政府的城市历史led the wayon sustainable transport, as transit planning depends on each urban center’s unique circumstances. Cities can, however, learn from one another—and in turn, help scale up sustainable transport systems throughout the world.

TheC40 Cities Climate Leadership Group- 由彭博市长领导的大型网络 - 养育知识共享。彭博社说:“在我们拥有的C40结构下,我们试图找到每个城市所做的事情,并确保其他市长知道它们以及它们如何适用于城市。”(wrijust signed an MOUto work with the C40 on sustainable transport issues).

“Everybody looks at cities and says they’re so complicated, and messy, and multi-sectoral,” said Steer. “Change can come much quicker and easier if you have the right kind of leadership and solutions.”


What the sustainable urban transport systems of the future will look like—and if they’ll be implemented at all—is still emerging. But one point from the event was resoundingly clear: Sustainable transport systems must be a critical component of city planning in order for both people and the planet to prosper.

“If事情变得糟糕了, by the time my three-year-old son is my age, the oceans will be 150 percent more acidic, coral reefs will be melted away, fisheries will be completely disturbed, and every single day, food fights and water fights will occur somewhere in the world,” said Kim. “Working on transport is part of this moral responsibility we have—to the cities of today, and to future generations.”