上个月的报告抓住头条新闻grading companies on whether they—and their trade groups—are playing constructive or obstructive roles in climate policy debates. Google, Unilever and Cisco received a “B” (no company earned an A). Dozens of companies received a “D” or worse.

公司,无论他们是否同意他们排名, should see the report and others that follow as an indication of new expectations for corporate roles in climate policy. Specifically, they need to have a good answer to a question that投资者记者在问:


这是WRI的问题,与联合国合作伙伴和四个主要非政府组织一起帮助公司在我们的负责任的气候游说的公司指南必威官网是真的吗。我们中的一位,艾略特·梅茨格(Eliot Metzger)是该指南的主要研究员。另一个是凯文·莫斯(Kevin Moss),正处于BT的可持续性角色的该问题的接收端。BT是近60家公司之一,此后致力于“负责的公司参与气候政策”,必威官网是真的吗公司正在注册的七项承诺之一我们的意思是商业运动, a movement in the business community to take action on climate change.

What Is Your Company Saying on Climate, Both Directly and Indirectly?



There is the potential for inconsistencies between businesses and their trade organizations on any issue, but they are all the more likely on climate. Climate change is not necessarily core to most company’s participation in a particular association.

Yet these inconsistencies—deliberate or not—still dilute the strength of the corporate voice for climate change action. The onus is on companies to be sure they are engaging consistently, and that those purporting to speak for them do really represent their views.

We’re starting to see some companies, including Unilever and Google, start to stand up to speak for themselves and distance themselves from obstructive trade associations. Others have taken a more active role in engaging with trade associations either publicly or privately to try and align association positions to better represent them.


所有公司都应关注这一点,仅仅是因为在今年晚些时候在巴黎举行的联合国气候峰会(COP 21)及以后的情况下,他们将从非政府组织和投资者那里得到更多问题。必威官网是真的吗负责参与气候政策的参与现在将必威官网是真的吗联合国负责投资原则。信件正在从投资者到首席执行官,问“您是否负责任地参与气候政策?”必威官网是真的吗

If your company is not one of the dozens of companies on board now,看看并加入正在犯下的领导人为了确保他们的公司运用一致的声音,代表了他们最广泛的公司利益。