

巴西社会住房计划Minha Casa,Minha VIDA(MCMV或我的房子,我的一生)旨在通过在过去六年中为低收入家庭建造超过300万座房屋,以解决巴西的城市住房赤字。但是MCMV的建筑繁荣加剧了Urban的蔓延。许多项目远离城市中心,那里的土地价格较低,阻碍了工作,教育,医疗保健,公共交通和步行和骑自行车的安全区域。


In 2013, Caixa, Brazil’s federal funding agency, invited WRI Brasil to help improve the design of a MCMV project of 1,300 homes in the southern city of Rio Grande, making the development more compact, connected and coordinated by integrating it with public transportation, improving public spaces, making pedestrians and cyclists a priority and promoting mixed-use areas that include businesses and housing. Using this pilot, WRI worked with the ministries of Cities, Health, Education, Social Development and Culture, as well as the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy and the Federal University of ABC in the state of São Paulo to create new federal social housing standards for the next phase of MCMV. This was the first time that these ministries worked together to improve the MCMV program. WRI conducted a countrywide study that found that providing essential services is costlier when creating distant communities that contribute to sprawl than when creating developments that are compact, connected and coordinated (3C).


2017年3月,巴西政府制定了一项新法律,该法律将推动MCMV下一阶段的3C模型实施。该法律不鼓励封闭式社区,需要与公共交通联系,并促进步行和骑自行车。在接下来的两年中,新法律和标准旨在指导建造60万栋房屋,从而使超过180万低收入人士受益。巴西城市将受益于从运输中减少的温室气体排放,以及城市服务和基础设施的成本降低。WRI BRASIL将继续与城市和市政府部紧密合作,以使社会住房更加可持续,并打算评估法律的结果。从这种经验的经验教训可以帮助其他国家采用类似的标准。