Brazil is known as the nation of forests.Yet its lush landscapes are increasingly under threat as a result of its resource-intensive economy.

Land degradation, deforestation, biodiversity loss, pollution and water shortages are consequences of Brazil's current development path. According to Global Forest Watch, Brazillost在2002年至2019年之间,有2500万公顷的主要森林,一个比英国大的地区。土地利用和农业占该国温室气体排放量的近70%。

有一种更好的方法来维持经济增长 - 一种可以帮助当地人恢复其森林,农场和自然生态系统。将农业与自然资源的保护和社会包容性进行调和可以产生经济,社会和环境成就。

种植的本地树种将经济繁荣带给当地人,并通过农林业系统向农场增加数十亿棵树木,可以振兴数百万公顷的退化土地。投资值得:研究表明,拉丁美洲恢复的每公顷土地增加$ 1,140to the rural economy, creating jobs and boosting farmers’ yields while providing clean water and ample food. It can also suck millions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, helping Brazil meet its commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change.

巴西已经制定了利用新的恢复经济所需的计划和法律。感谢像网络这样的网络Initiative 20x20, land restoration is gaining attention from private investors.

How can more farmers benefit from this potential and help achieve the national goal of restoring and reforesting12 million hectaresof degraded land by 2030? We can learn from the pioneers showing us that agriculture and forestry can work in harmony to build healthy landscapes and halt deforestation. Their examples can inspire others to join this journey, present investors with opportunities, and prove to government officials that with the right incentives, a forest-friendly economy can thrive.

Five champions revealed to us how they are restoring trees, overcoming challenges and renewing the landscape – along with their lives. They are Brazil’sFaces of Restoration.