Anjali Mahendra是WRI ROSS可持续城市中心全球研究主任。她领导研究议程,指导我们的全球团队在WRI ROSS中心的所有计划领域进行与政策相关,创新和跨学科研究。她为研究人员提供建议,以确保生产高质量的知识产品和强大的证据,以指导WRI在世界各地的城市参与。


Prior to her role with WRI’s global office, Anjali led research for the India office of WRI, then known as EMBARQ, leading teams in new areas of work such as integrating public health concerns into transport planning in Indian cities, travel behavior and energy consumption patterns in newly developing peri-urban gated communities, and understanding the accessibility of slum dwellers to public transport services. Before her position in India, she led projects for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Transportation Research Board, U.S. state and local agencies, and international organizations as a senior consultant at ICF International. Anjali is passionate about connecting research with practice and has worked in the U.S., Latin America, Europe, and India, for organizations including the World Bank, Union Internationale des Transports Publics (UITP), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, TU Delft in the Netherlands, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

